Rose 老師以今年「疫情下的遠距學習」熱門議題為例,在文章的開頭可以先提出疫情之所以讓遠距學習變得重要的原因,例如: ● The outbreak of coronavirus has drawn international attention as the virus spreads from country to country. Moreover, it has caused a significant effect on how people learn because of coronavirus restrictions released by the governments, which limit the number of people in a gathering. 接著可以再提出自己對於遠距學習的看法為何,例如: ● From my perspective, distance learning can not only bring convenience to students but also keep students and teachers safe. 表明完自己的看法之後,需要舉出實際的例子來論證、充實自身論點的可信度,例如: ● Take myself as an example, I don’t need to commute between my school and home or bring lots of books with me, which is time-saving and effortless for me. Additionally, I can just stay at home, listening to the lectures without going out, which decreases the amount of time that I have to interact with others and lowers the possibility of contracting the virus. 至於結論部分,一定要記得統整自己的重點想法,替整篇作文做一個完整、前後呼應的結尾,舉例來說,可以說明雖然疫情帶來了許多不方便,但也讓我們有了一個新的學習方法(遠距學習),而遠距學習又帶給了我們許多好處,例如: ● While the coronavirus brings lots of inconvenience to us, it still gives us a chance to have a new way of learning, which is distant-learning. Overall, this novel way of education enables us to save time on commuting from place to place and prevents us from being exposed to an environment full of viruses.
● 技巧一:先想好架構再下筆。學生撰寫文章前可以先草擬作文架構與案例,避免文章中出現前後矛盾、內文鬆散不聚焦的問題。 ● 技巧二:活用不同詞彙和句型。在篇幅有限的作文中,學生應避免使用重複的詞彙,可以在考試開始後,先翻到最後一頁了解作文的題目,在寫題時就能先挑圈出想要使用的單字與片語。另外,句型也可以多使用倒裝句、分詞構句、假設語氣。如以前面疫情作文中用到的句子為例,distance learning can not only remain the learning process for students but also keep students and teachers safe 可以利用倒裝作法改成 not only can distance learning remain the learning process for students, but it can also keep students and teachers safe ,如此一來便能增加文章的變化。 ● 技巧三:善用轉折語和名言佳句。轉折語在作文中扮演不可或缺的角色,讓句子之間環環相扣。引用名言佳句不僅能讓論點更有說服力,更能提升作文的高度。舉例而言,考生可以這麼寫:As the saying goes, “In the face of adversity, we have a choice. We can be bitter, or we can be better.“