It’s a flagship store for Poliform, Agape, AXOR and hansgrohe, which is located in Taichung, Taiwan. The products are attractive because of its simple and elegant appearance. In designer's view, the space should be designed for every circumstance. Therefore, it mainly uses simple color and line, and light effects into space. Instead of stealing the show, the design brings the most suitable background to the products anytime.
Less is more 設計師受到現代建築之父勒・柯比意(Le Corbusier)的啟發,以新穎的設計手法,將創意元素融入原有的建築結構中,以原始簡單的幾何形體,減少組合構件,打造出動線流暢、簡單大器的空間藝術,造就美學與生活品味的和諧兼具。體現現代主義建築大師所說,”少即是多,多即是少”的設計理念。
老建築變身 還原光線入室 旗艦店原為一棟廢置的老舊建築,多片落地窗因封死而阻隔了大部分的光線。設計師利用建築的優點,而非添加過多不必要的裝飾,將原來阻礙光線的裝潢拆下,整個展示空間得以迎攬戶外飽滿的光線。 設計師希望空間能為業者持續利用,即使將來商品更新,也能夠合適地展現其美感。空間色彩主要以黑白灰為主,俐落、時尚卻冰冷,為了柔化了整體空間,添入些許木質元素增加溫潤感,達成和諧的平衡。除此之外,利用燈光與自然光交錯時產生的光影效果,室內外時刻表現不同氛圍。 Inspired by Le Corbusie, designer conceived this project from the architecture angle. He tried to combine his ideas with structure to create aesthetically simple functional exhibition space, and planned traffic flow like walking in to museum. Throughout the process, he insisted to create an ideal showroom without too many waste. As one of the pioneers of modernist architecture had said "Less is more." Our customer chose an old building that has many huge windows. However, the windows had been sealed. Designer took advantages of this building rather than adding unnecessary decorations too much. After tear down the original decoration, the sun can shine through windows. Designer hoped the space would be used sustainably. Even though there will be an update for the products, it still filled with beauty. It mainly uses black, white and grey in space. Though, theses colors are seemed to be equal to fashion, it gives people cool sensation. Thus, designer put some wooden materials into the space to increase warm and gentle feeling. Plus, the sun shining through windows and the light in building make diverse atmosphere with time.