世界威卜聯盟(World Vapers Alliance, WVA)已於昨(10/20)日接獲香港確認將禁止電子菸的資訊, style="color: rgb(138, 137, 137); box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; text-decoration-line: none;">世界威卜聯盟在官網發布文章表示:「該法案遭到菸草減害倡議者的反對,呼籲香港立法者考慮制定合理的法規,而不是禁止更安全的代用品(The bill has been opposed by harm reduction advocates, calling upon Hong Kong’s lawmakers to consider a sensible regulation rather than a ban on safer alternatives)。」
世界威卜聯盟亞洲第一個夥伴 「台灣威卜 菸草減害網路媒體 VAPE Taiwan」 代表人王郁揚表示:「香港政府宣布禁止菸草減害產品令全球菸草控制領域感到遺憾,反觀,美國FDA已經批准了第一個初階減害菸品認證(PMTA)的電子菸,墨西哥法院於 10 月 20 日宣布禁止電子菸產品違憲。」(Danny Wang, the leader of WVA’s partner organisation Vape Taiwan stated: “Sadly, the Hong Kong government announced the prohibition of tobacco harm reduction products. In contrast, the US FDA has approved the first vaping product PMTA permit and the Mexican court declared the ban on vaping products unconstitutional on 20 October.”)
「因此,我們呼籲所有亞洲政府應根據科學證據對電子菸產品去污名化。」王郁揚總結表示。(We are calling all Asian governments to destigmatize vaping products based on scientific evidence,” concluded Danny Wang.)