2017年7月3日小記者們來到了桃園市的龍潭消防局,首先小記者們先體驗消防設施[瞄子],所有的小小記者們都玩得不亦樂乎! 接下來小小記者們到了室內,消防隊員教小記者們如果遇到有人昏迷或者是突發狀況時,該如何應變呢?叫叫C A B 是救人的第一口訣,第一步驟:先確認他是否有意識,第二步驟請指定路旁的民眾撥打119,第三步驟,把手握拳並用力按壓人中或試他人的反應,第四步驟幫他人做心肺腹甦術CPR,最後一個步驟將他人的嘴巴抬起做人工呼吸。 謝謝消防人員今天的教導,教導小小記者們如何救助他人,消防隊員的工作非常辛苦! [2B王子珈、李為勤、羅宜恩]
On July 18, 2017,at the cool Aviation Police Bureau. As we got out of the bus, they introduced the robot and he could shake hands turn 360° and move forward and backward. After, we saw this graping hook like robot. Last, we saw a not real bot, was filled with paper bomb. After it exploded , many paper bits were on the floor scattered. This is the end of my report, thanks you for watching! 【小小記者 魏璦玉 巫宜儒 共同報導】 網址:http://tnews.cc/03/Newscon1_518316.htm
At the Fun Carrefour Mall, we started with a challenge to find the QR code of a specific type of food and find many interesting things on it. After that, we each split each group into threes and sot off like a quest to find many things we will use for camp. And not only did we win 2ed on the first quest the same was for the 2ed quest. We got a bag of chips, an Oreo cup, a box of group utensils. That is my story thank you. 網址:http://tnews.cc/03/Newscon1_519419.htm 【小小記者 魏璦玉、巫宜儒 共同報導】
At the breath-taking Taiwan President Place. We saw many drawings and portraits used to be presidents many of the drawings were amazing and my favorite one was with this sonset like water on the side of the beach and if I was three it would be a perfect view for a perfect selfie. After that we took a picture and we went to the next spot. That’s my story as the ends are folded. 【小小記者 魏璦玉、巫宜儒 共同報導】 網址:http://tnews.cc/03/Newscon1_521536.htm
。可口可樂這風行一百多年的奇妙液體,是在一八八六年春天由美國喬治亞州亞特蘭大人-約翰潘伯頓(Dr。 John S。 Pemberton)在家中後院裡,以一枝木槳,在四十加侖的大銅鍋內,攪拌出只要加碳酸水就能在蘇打水飲品店出售的深色糖漿,這就是可口可樂的原型,後來經由合夥人羅賓遜加以包裝,就變成了史上最成功的Coca-Cola。