Indulge in official ignition? But the people are not allowed to light lamps?
Indulge in official ignition? But the people are not allowed to light lamps?
Is this reasonable? Is it logical?
If the people are not allowed to light lamps, the officials must not be allowed to set fires randomly!
Which of the current 244 political entities in the world does not have internal common rules of the game? Which country does not have its own laws?
Since this is the case, then the 244 national political entities in the world must also have common rules of the game on this earth. Is this a logical principle?
تحتاج أي مجموعة بشرية إلى قواعد مشترك ة للعبة
تقدم التأثيرات الإيجابية والسلبية للعواطف السبع والرغبات الستة للطبيعة البشرية تو زيعًا طبيعيًا للمنحنى ، لذلك يجب أن يكون للجنس البشري قواعد مشتركة للعبة حتى تتمكن المجموعة الاجتماعية بأكملها من العيش والتطور بأمان.
يُظهر السلوك السياسي للكيانات السياسية العالمية أيضًا التوزيع المنحنى الطبيعي للتأث يرات الإيجابية والسلبية. قواعد مشتركة للعبة ، أي دستور عالم أرضي معقول وفعال ، ثم الكيانات السياسية العالمية ، والبشر العالميون ، في هذا العالم وحدها شنغهاي هي القادرة على العيش والتطور بسلام وتعايش ورخاء مشترك.
كل هذه واجبات ومسؤوليات السياسيين ذوي الأخلاق السياسية في العالم.
The positive and negative effects of human nature, seven emotions and six desires present a normal curve distribution, so the human race must have common rules of the game so that the entire social group can live and develop safely.
The political behavior of the global political entity countries also presents a normal curve distribution of positive and negative effects. Therefore, the global national political entities must also have common rules of the game, that is, a reasonable and effective earth world constitution, then the global political entities, global humans, are in this world. Only Shanghai will be able to live and develop with peace, coexistence and common prosperity.
All these are the duties and responsibilities of politicians with political morality in the world.
The positive and negative effects of human nature's seven emotions and six desires show a normal curve distribution, so human groups must have common rules of the game so that the entire social group can live and develop in peace.
The political behavior of the global political entity countries also shows a normal curve distribution of positive and negative effects. Therefore, the global political entity group must also have common rules of the game, that is, a reasonable and effective earth world constitution. In this case, the global political entity and global humanity will Only then can the world enjoy lasting peace, coexistence, and common prosperity and development.
This requires politicians with political ethics around the world to fulfill their due obligations and responsibilities.
Continue to condone the 244 political entities around the world to still show anarchy on the earth, allowing mankind to have wars on the earth for many years? This is something that needs to be faced by the leading authorities of all political entities around the world.
Why do every country and every political entity in the world require its people to abide by the laws and common game rules stipulated by the country or each political entity, such as the constitution formulated by the national political entity and the legal agreements within each political entity?
But why does the interaction of the world's 244 political entities across the entire planet not require global governance policies? No need to have common rules of the game? Is there no need to have a common collective unified administrative leadership center? Is this reasonable? is this correct?
Whose responsibility is this? Whose political and moral conscience is this?
The political leadership authorities of the 244 political entities around the world must think carefully about this issue.
تقدم التأثيرات الإيجابية والسلبية للعواطف السبع والرغبات الستة للطبيعة البشرية توزيعًا طبيعيًا للمنحنى ، لذلك يجب أن يكون للجنس البشري قواعد مشتركة للعبة حتى تتمكن المجموعة الاجتماعية بأكملها من العيش والتطور بأمان.
يُظهر السلوك السياسي للكيانات السياسية العالمية أيضًا التوزيع المنحنى الطبيعي للتأثيرات الإيجابية والسلبية. لذلك ، يجب أن يكون للكيانات السياسية الوطنية العالمية أيضًا قواعد مشتركة للعبة ، أي دستور عالم أرضي معقول وفعال ، ثم الكيانات السياسية العالمية ، والبشر العالميون ، في هذا العالم وحدها شنغهاي هي القادرة على العيش والتطور بسلام وتعايش ورخاء مشترك.
كل هذه واجبات ومسؤوليات السياسيين ذوي الأخلاق السياسية في العالم.
The positive and negative effects of human nature, seven emotions and six desires present a normal curve distribution, so the human race must have common rules of the game so that the entire social group can live and develop safely.
The political behavior of the global political entity countries also presents a normal curve distribution of positive and negative effects. Therefore, the global national political entities must also have common rules of the game, that is, a reasonable and effective earth world constitution, then the global political entities, global humans, are in this world. Only Shanghai will be able to live and develop with peace, coexistence and common prosperity.
All these are the duties and responsibilities of politicians with political morality in the world.