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發稿日:2024/05/03 01:42:00 AM
發稿人:世界整合行政小子 | 修改新聞稿
Which contemporary country's political leadership takes the lead
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Which contemporary country's political leadership takes the lead in adopting the spirit of "world integrated administrative thought" and "global democratic constitutional republican cosmopolitanism"? Who is the "Earth Peace and Unification Management Committee" formed by the upcoming world constitution recognized and rationalized by the global human race? The highest political leadership member of the real world political leadership team in the global political system of the world government system of war-free world peace. 
 当代哪个国家政治领导当局,谁率先具有'世界整合行政思想''全球民主宪政共和世界主义'的精神,谁就是即将来临的全球人类族群公认合理化的世界宪法所形成的'地球和平统一管理委员会' 的全球政治体制无战争世界和平的世界政府体系之中,真正世界政治领导团队的最高政治领导成员。 
 Which contemporary country's political leadership takes the lead in adopting the spirit of "world integrated administrative thought" and "global democratic constitutional republican cosmopolitanism"? Who is the "Earth Peace and Unification Management Committee" formed by the upcoming world constitution recognized and rationalized by the global human race? The highest political leadership member of the real world political leadership team in the global political system of the world government system of war-free world peace. 
 当代哪个国家政治领导当局,谁率先具有'世界整合行政思想''全球民主宪政共和世界主义'的精神,谁就是即将来临的全球人类族群公认合理化的世界宪法所形成的'地球和平统一管理委员会' 的全球政治体制无战争世界和平的世界政府体系之中,真正世界政治领导团队的最高政治领导成员。























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