
蔣萬安市長今(26)天參加本次首爾世界城市高峰會市長論壇,並以「數據導向下的創新實踐」(Data-Driven Innovation Initiatives for Future Taipei)為題,向來自世界各國的城市首長,分享臺北的創新治理經驗。以下為蔣市長演講全文與中文翻譯:


Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished mayors, and esteemed guests,


On behalf of Taipei City and my team, it is an honor to participate in the World Cities Summit Mayor’s Forum in Seoul. I extend my gratitude to our host, the City of Seoul, and Mayor Oh and his team, for hosting us. I would also like to express our appreciation to the organizers from Singapore for their efforts in making this event possible.


This forum serves as an outstanding platform for us to showcase our innovative policies to the world and, equally importantly, to gain insights from the innovative strides made by our fellow cities. Today, I am delighted to share Taipei's data-driven innovative policies with you all. 


The Taipei Urban Intelligence Center also known as TUIC is the city's new initiative focused on using data to enhance resource management and infrastructure optimization through informative visualizations called dashboard and research for future policies, benefitting both decision-makers and citizens.


This internal tool from TUIC, which we currently used for managing city resources, is now being applied to various projects and events. For instance, our Taipei New Year's celebration attracts approximately 100,000 attendees each year. By leveraging data, we can monitor the number of people in the area through our collaboration with telecom companies. They provide us with data on the number of users in the vicinity without revealing individual identities. 


At the core of my governance lies three fundamental principles: transparency, inclusivity, and collaboration. I firmly believe that the success of our city is a collaborative endeavor, not limited to the government but also involving the valuable feedback and participation of our citizens. 


What began as an internal tool, the Taipei City Dashboard and our research, has flourished into a vibrant open-source project accessible to all. Years of research is now on display online. Just as with our New Year's event, these resources are available for your city to reference for your future policies and infrastructure development.


Our commitment to open-source principles means that all code associated with the dashboard will be made publicly accessible on GitHub.


We actively encourage direct participation from citizens or even educational institutes to engage, providing clear guidelines for those who wish to contribute their insights and expertise.


Allow me to highlight another notable project: the YouBike Optimization Study. YouBike is Taipei's shared bicycle service and an integral component of our mass transportation network. It is also one of the largest bicycles sharing system in the world. 


Through data analysis, we optimize the deployment of bicycles by allocating them to high-demand destinations during peak and off-peak hours. This not only saves time in bike delivery but also enhances the renting experience for our citizens. 


Our future predictions, based on current data, indicate the popular zones for rentals, displayed on the right graph. While our optimization results, displayed in the left graph, allocate dock locations and bike placement during deployment hours. 


In conclusion, our objective remains steadfast: to nurture an open and service-oriented government that caters to the needs of Taipei's citizens. Providing access to data is just one of the many ways in which Taipei actively engages with our own citizens and with cities, both nationally and internationally. Simultaneously, this effort contributes to the enhancement of our city's policy-making processes. 


Therefore, I extend a warm invitation to your city, your government officials, and your citizens to participate in this endeavor. Our resources are open for your use, and we look forward to anticipating learning on how you utilize these open resources to shape your future policies. 


Thank you all for your time. Live long and prosper. Thank you!










我們目前使用 TUIC 的這個內部工具來管理城市資源,這也正應用在臺北的各項專案與活動中。每年臺北的跨年活動都會吸引約 10 萬人參加,這就是我們其中一項應用專案。透過與電信公司的數據串連合作,他們能在保護個資、不揭露個人身份的前提下,向我們提供附近用戶數量的數據,並讓我們即時掌握各個地區的人員數量及密度。


臺北的數據治理核心圍繞著三個基本原則:透明性、包容性與可協作性。 我深信,一座成功的城市一定是源於大家共同的努力,不僅需要政府的投入,也需要市民重要的意見回饋與參與。




我們對開源原則的承諾也意味著,與臺北城市儀表板相關的所有程式碼,都將在 GitHub 社群上開放。




接著我想著重介紹臺北另一個值得大家參考的專案:YouBike 配置優化。 YouBike 是臺北提供的共享單車服務,也是我們大眾運輸網絡的一環,更是世界上最大的共享單車系統之一。










感謝大家抽出寶貴的時間。 也祝福各位與各位代表的城市,健康長壽、繁榮昌盛。感謝大家!




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