「畫中話:兒童畫與原生藝術展」7/4隆重登場 歡迎民眾免費觀賞
童趣無限 藝想天開

Dream Land Park
兒童畫與原生藝術的魅力,並不只侷限於紙上的揮灑。透過實體化彎管 裝置,創作者的想像空間和內心世界化為生動的雕塑,讓我們走進孩子 天真爛漫的異想世界。

裝置改作自世界兒童畫展第50 屆的金獎作品:腳踏車與都市的煙火,日 本的小藝術家德山倖生的作品,腳踏車騎向綻放著煙火的夜空,象徵著 孩子們的夢想蘊含著無限可能。裝置中巧妙隱藏了互動裝置,如同打開 了一扇通往藝術家創意宇宙的大門。觀眾穿梭其中,沉浸在藝術家豐富 的想像力與創作力之中,感受純真無邪的美好。

走進這片造夢遊樂園,理解創作者的心靈、成為創作的一部分,也深入 探索自己內心的想像空間。透過共感與共鳴,實現雙向的藝術對話,讓 作品不僅僅是一場視覺盛宴,更是一趟藝術啟蒙的旅程。

The allure of children's drawings and outsider art extends beyond the canvas, transforming into physical, interactive installations that bring the artists' imaginations to life.

Adapted from award-winning pieces "Firecrackers in City", by Japanese young artist Yukio Tokuyama, these installations invite audiences into an immersive artistic universe, signifying boundless dreams.

Walking through this "Dream Land Park", you are encouraged to understand the creators' mindsets, participate in their creations, and explore your own imaginations, making this not just a visual feast but also an enlightening journey in art.

Doodle Lab


Children's drawings are mirrors of their souls, revealing their pure and innocent inner worlds. Drawing is one of the main activities children engage in, with each artwork being a unique world full of boundless imagination and fun. For over a century, experts and scholars have highlighted the close relationship between children's cognitive development and their artistic expression. The progress of children's drawings reflects their physical and mental development.

In appreciating children's drawings, we can not only feel the children's uninhibited creativity and innocent observation of the world, but also understand the unique forms of children's self-expression. These forms often fade away during the process of growth and education. Therefore, it's truly precious to be able to appreciate the world of children's drawings.

Life Playground
不同於一般藝術家受教於學院教導與人生經歷,兒童與原生藝術家的創 作靈感均來自生活中捕捉那些熟悉卻又特別的時刻。圖畫裡描繪的家庭、 學校和社區,都充滿了他們對生活的熱愛和懷抱夢想的雙眼,同時也是 他們觀察世界的方式,也是他們與世界連結的橋梁。

藉由這些畫作,可以觀察孩子與世界相處的模式,對大自然的欣賞、對 人際交流的關懷,我們看到的不僅是兒童與原生藝術家的作品,更是他 們用心靈描繪出的生活點滴。冀透過這個展區,大家能更加關注和理解 這些充滿創意的心靈,並一同探索生活的美好。

Unlike common artists refined through academic training and life experiences, the creative inspiration of children and outsider artists often comes from capturing familiar and special moments in daily life.The families, schools, and communities depicted in their artwork are filled with their love for life and dreaming of possibilities. These drawings represent their way of observing the world and act as a bridge connecting them to it.

Through these artworks, we can observe the patterns of children interacting with the external world.Their appreciation for mother nature, their concern for interpersonal communication – what we see is not just the artwork of children and outsider artists, but moments depicted with their hearts. Through this exhibition, we hope everyone can pay more attention to and understand these creative souls, and together explore the beauty of life.

Cultural Flight Carpet
世界兒童畫展收錄來自150 國的兒童畫作,透過孩子的雙眼體驗多元 文化的魅力。而臺灣本土文化則是原生藝術家經由日常觀察,透過藝術 的雙手再現在地風情。

這些作品不僅展示了創作者獨特的視角和風格,也呈現他們對自身文化 的理解與認同,彰顯各國文化的特色。在觀賞這些畫作時,將感受到創 作者對生活環境的詮釋和情感寄託。同時,也能從這些作品中體會不同 文化背景所蘊含的歷史、信仰與觀念,進而了解各國風俗民情,從畫與 畫之間帶來跨文化理解和尊重。

The World School Children's Art Exhibition collects children's paintings from 150 countries, allowing us to experience the charm of diverse cultures through the eyes of children. Meanwhile, the local culture of Taiwan is often the focus of outsider artists' daily observations, being depicted through children's hands. These works not only showcase the unique perspectives and styles of the artists, but also display their understanding and identification with their own culture, highlighting the features of different cultures.In appreciating these paintings, you will feel the creators' interpretations of and emotional attachment to their living communities. At the same time, we can also learn the history, beliefs, and concepts contained in different cultural backgrounds from these works,.By understanding the cultural context behind the works and exploring the customs of different countries, we can foster cross-cultural understanding and respect through the interactions between paintings.



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