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發稿日:2024/04/07 02:03:00 PM
發稿人:世界整合行政小子 | 修改新聞稿
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 Qualified contemporary international politicians can no longer think of the future human world with traditional nationalist ideas. 
  Qualified contemporary politicians must think about the future of the human world with "World Integration Administrative Thoughts Global Democracy Constitutional Republican Cosmopolitanism". 
 As we march toward the earth's human civilization, human beings are also taught to be faithful to defending the country. Is this patriotic nationalism still correct teaching? Or is it necessary for the human beings of the earth to be transformed and taught to inculcate the global democratic constitutional republican cosmopolitanism of "the "World Integrated Administrative Thought"? So how can human beings live and work in the earth, is it the correct educational thought? 
 邁向地球人類文明時期,人類還被教導忠貞保衛國,這樣愛國的國家主義思想,是否仍然是正確的教導呢?還是全球人類必須被轉換教導,灌輸世界整合行政思想的全球民主憲政共和世界主義, 如此對人類如何在地球安居樂業, 才是正確的教育思想呢? 
 Human beings have been educated by rulers in the past and must be a patriot. They cannot betray the country, or they will be treated with felony. Human beings usually also take pride in being patriots and love the country. The leaders of the country usually also appeal to the world to slogan of the peace of the world, and to scream the words of world peace to the sky. 
  But the human world is full of threats of death war, and there are countless humans who die in war. The loyal and patriotic human beings have died for the country, and the horrible shadow of war is always filled with the sky from the past to the modern. 
  Is this the feeling that human beings need to live on Earth? 
  Is there any way to liberate mankind from the whirlpool of war? 
  That is to cultivate the humanity of the earth from the nationalist ideology to the "world-integrated administrative thinking", and to establish a "global democratic constitutional republican cosmopolitan world government system" with the concept that the earth is a family. 
  "World-integrated administrative thinking" will not let the administrative region of the country disappear. It will only guarantee the more reasonable democracy, freedom, human rights, sovereignty and peaceful life development in the national administrative region under the effective global governance policy of implementing world justice. 
 人類以往都被統治者教育必須當一個愛國者,不能背叛國家,否則治以重罪。人類通常也以愛國者自居,以愛國家為榮。 國家的領導人通常也向世界呼籲愛號世界和平的口號,把世界和平這四個字喊得響徹天空。 
  但是人類的世界,卻充滿了死亡戰爭的威脅, 戰爭死亡的人類不計其數。 忠貞愛國的人類為國家捐軀了,可怕的戰爭陰影隨時佈滿現代的天空。 
 The historical hatred caused by human traditional nationalism must be tolerated, so that the next generation of humanity can move towards the real world peaceful development. 
  Otherwise, humans can only live in constant warfare. 
  Contemporary human beings should turn nationalism into "World Reconciliation and Administrative Thoughts Global Democracy Constitutional Republican Cosmopolitanism" as the only way to achieve sustainable real world peace. 
  Humans, come on! 
 Dear ladies and gentlemen from the world! 
 I am Ying Chieh Huang, come from TAIWAN, is one of Taiwan government retired Civil Servants officials, one of Taiwan Agricultural Management Consultant Expert, I am a Taiwanese, a Chinese, a Mongolian, and a person of the earth, a Currently Chief Consultant of Taiwan Ecological Education Farming Association, a World Integration Administrative Expert, a World Constitution drafter. 
 It is not a bad thing to tear down the signboards of the United Nations and upgrade the United Nations to the Earth Management Committee. It is an urgent matter. It is not a bad thing to add a layer of collective leadership of the Earth's human beings to the heads of countries or political entities. It is a matter of urgency. 
 Only the strategizing of the "World Integrated Administrative Thought" 
 can make human beings safe and happy on earth. 
 Only the "World Integrated Administrative Thought" can mobilize humanity for the peace and happiness of the earth. 
 Scientific evidence, that global greenhouse gases must begin to decline in 2015 to control the rise will not exceed 2 C Otherwise, the earth will enter an irreversible and vicious cycle. Various kinds of disasters, including war, plague, famine, drought, floods and hurricanes, will take turns sweeping the earth. 
 In such a situation, the United Nations is even less capable of fulfilling the human peace mission. 
  The United Nations is just a platform for countries to communicate and in fact they have no global governance role. The resolutions passed by the UN General Assembly are not legally binding on the political entities and are not effective. 
  And there are 193 UN member states and 52 non-UN member states (excluding the disputed area)on the Earth. At present, there are 245 global political entities. therefore, the United Nations also does not represent the global humanity, the fairness of all humanity vanished, Let the current world appear "anarchy".  
 The sovereign state or various political entities are benefiting, leading to civil war and international conflicts going on. the United Nations still exists today, but rather a stumbling block to the coexistence and common prosperity of all mankind. 
 So far, human beings have no earth constitution on earth, and there is no common law for human beings. So human beings are as if they are in the jungle, and they are full of crises everywhere. Therefore, ethnic groups or countries are formed to protect human beings. Therefore, in the earth without the common law of mankind, the prosperity of nationalism is inevitable. But nationalism has created a struggle between nations, and war has caused tragedies of human casualties.  
 A civilized human being must set the law of mankind on earth in the earth and establish the center of collective leadership of mankind in the earth. That is to say, mankind must be sublimated by nationalism, set the "Earth Constitution", promote global democratic constitutional republican cosmopolitanism, set up the Earth Management Committee, and set the "world constitution" to define the laws of mankind on earth.  
 In this way, human beings become a regular family on earth. One earth, one big family. One world, one big family.  
 In this way, the entire earth has the common law of mankind, and human beings on Earth are not as dangerous as being in the jungle. 
  This forms the collective leadership center of mankind on the earth, in order to eliminate the confrontation between countries, eliminate the earth resources wasted by confrontation, and enable mankind to coexist and coexist in the whole earth for sustainable development. 
 Finally, I would like to thank all of you, ladies and gentlemen, for listening. 
 Wish everyone good health! Good luck! Everyone works hard to fight for true world peace! 
 Sincere regards, 
 Ying Chieh Huang 
 a World Constitution drafter 
 World Integrated Administrative Thought Innovator 
  Taichung City, Taiwan 
 Direct line: 
 email: ingchiehtw@gmail.com 
 The "Unification Movement of the Earth" is the most beneficial to humanity around the world and the most beneficial to the leaders of global political entities.  
  Work hard to think about such a problem please.  
  Early in the "unified movement of the earth", the crisis of human beings corresponding to the global environment will be more effective.  
  The early "Unification of the Earth" allowed humans to avoid the threat of war as soon as possible.  
 Early "global unification movement" allows humans to avoid unnecessary political persecution.  
  Early "Earth Movement" allows humans to live safely on Earth. 
 The only way to solve the human crisis on the earth is to lock in the current situation of global political entities and jointly set up the World Integrated Administrative World Government Organization of the Earth Management Committee Human Collective Leadership Center. 
 Diagnosis and treatment of human evolution in the earth: 
 As long as human beings launch the "Unified Earth Movement" and establish the Human Collective Leadership Center of the Earth Management Committee with "World Integrated Administrative Thoughts", mankind can move towards true world peace. 
 "The Earth Unification Movement" is the time to come! 
 Ying - chieh Huang come from Taiwan 2019/6/25 
  Human traditional nationalism is a struggle on earth, and struggle is a game. 
  The 2005 Nobel Prize game theory has shown that the only thing that creates the win-win effect in the game is "cooperation." 
  Therefore, "the world's integrated administrative thinking" will be a great innovative political idea that creates the best life style for mankind. 
  Global human beings, including leaders of global political entities, should move toward true world peace with the spirit of mutual respect, mutual respect, mutual understanding, mutual help and mutual cooperation. This is the only best option for a global human survival strategy. 
  Earth human beings are the only best outcomes for creating a win-win situation. 
  The game theory shows that the result of the conflict is "two losses." It is a mistake to destroy each other. Modern humans should cooperate and live together. 
  Humans seek various ways to solve problems, and cooperation between the two sides is the best ending. 
  The game theory shows that even if there is a strong conflict of interest between the players in the short-term, in the long-term repetitive game, "peaceful cooperation" is often the equilibrium state. Cooperation is more sustainable than confrontation. After many interactions in a conflicting environment, the two sides always have hidden collusion, gradually from opposition to cooperation. Finally, achieve a win-win, win-win result. 
  Therefore, since the struggle process has found that cooperation is the final outcome of a win-win situation, why should it be hurt by the process of brutal war? Human beings must be wise to understand such truths in the future. Skip the cruel war directly. Directly pursue a win-win situation with a cooperative strategy. 
  So, human! "The Earth Unification Movement" is the time to come! 
 Try to let the leaders of the political entities you know know what is called "world integrated administrative thinking." 
 Knowing the truth first can use the truth and implement the promotion of truth. 
 Try to establish a "beachhead" in the development of "world integrated administrative thinking" in your country. 
 For example, similar to the establishment of a "world integrated administrative thinking" research foundation, or a development foundation, or a reading club. 
  黃頴捷 在台灣 2019/6/25 
 包括全球政治實體領導人的全球人類,都應該以互相尊重、互相敬愛、互相體諒、互相幫助、互相合作的精神, 以“世界整合行政思想“邁向真正世界和平。 這是全球人類生存戰略的唯一最佳選擇。 
 所以,既然經過鬥爭過程才發現合作才是雙贏的最後結局, 那為什麼要經過殘酷戰爭的過程的傷害呢?人類今後必須聰明的了解這樣的真理。直接跳過殘酷的戰爭。直接以合作的戰略邁向共贏。 
 所以,人類!" 地球統一運動"是該來臨的時候了! 








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