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發稿日:2024/04/07 05:42:00 PM
發稿人:世界整合行政小子 | 修改新聞稿
All human beings on contemporary earth must talk about the unity of the earth
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All human beings on contemporary earth must talk about the unity of the earth 
 The sky is high, the emperor is far 
  What humans want is a stable and safe life 
  Whoever is the emperor 
  The only way to make global humans live a safer and more stable life is for the minds of global politicians to make changes together. 
  The minds of global politicians must change from nationalism to "World Integration Administrative Thought, Global Democracy Constitution Republican Cosmopolitanism". This is the only solution that allows people on earth to live on this earth in a safer and more stable manner. 
  Are you saying it? 
 "Play the emperor" game? 
 The former emperor was in fact an authoritarian hegemonic ruler who exploited the people. It is a person who is constantly fighting for power. It is a person in power to launch an international war at any time. The human rights definitions of human beings are all in their hands. 
  In the history of thousands of years in China, there have been 83 dynasties and 408 emperors.  
  People have to look at their faces when they want to live well. 
 Today's highly respected politicians are coming out to serve the people and are the public servants of the people. 
 Do you still want to maintain imperialism and nationalism in today's highly respected politicians? 
  Today's Earth human beings, only everyone is working hard to carry forward "The World Integrated Administrative Thought." Let these nationalists and imperialists change their mindset. 
  Let the nationalist and imperialist minds be upgraded to the leaders of the "world integrated administrative thinking" to jointly construct a reasonable "world constitution." In this way, human beings can live and live in peace and contentment with reasonable human rights. 
 Are you a speculative politician or a sacred politician? Or is it a highly respected politician? 
  Are you coming to be an emperor? Or is it to serve the people? Contemporary politicians aim to serve the human race of the earth. Contemporary great politicians will let the earth human dignity live a good life on earth. Contemporary politicians do not enslave human beings, drive human beings, and exploit human life. 
 Smart global politicians, can your decision be self-protected? Or can you protect your country? 
  Smart global politicians, do you find yourself a peaceful and sustainable road to coexistence? Wise global politicians, do you find a peaceful and sustainable road for humanity to coexist? 
  Are wise global politicians engaged in politics for their own benefit? Or is it to engage in politics for your own national security? If you are only engaged in politics for your own national security, is your approach and decision making correct? 
  The wise global politicians, is your thoughts elevated to become human beings to coexist and to engage in political behavior? Or is it only for political activities for your own national security? Is your approach correct? If you only care about political behavior for your own national security, can you ensure your own country's security with your current practices and decisions? 
  If you have nuclear weapons, can you have a peaceful day? 
  Is it peaceful to use nuclear weapons to suppress other countries? 
  Is it safe to have nuclear weapons? 
  Maintaining the traditional struggle of mankind and killing each other, is that okay? Or is it important to move towards peace? 
  Is it important to engage in armaments? Is it important to establish the "Earth Management Committee" in tandem? 
  Is it important to engage in armaments? Or is it important to connect the global political entities to form a "earth management committee" for peaceful coexistence? 
  Do you have an interest in armaments? Or is it possible to connect the global political arena and jointly establish a "earth management committee" for peaceful coexistence? 
  The consequences of engaging in armaments are the confrontation of mankind. Human beings kill each other, both lose and hurt, and civilization is retrogressive. 
  Are you looking forward to true peace? 
  Do you like war? 
  What is true peace? 
  Above the country, there is no common leadership center, will there be peace? 
  We esteem "Sun Wu" and "do not fight, but the soldiers of the people." We must let "Clausewitz" "war theory" become meaningless in this world. 
  In tandem with the establishment of the "Earth Management Committee" in the global political arena, humanity will continue to coexist peacefully, and humanity will smoothly enter the development of the new civilization. 
  Do you find a peaceful road where peace and coexistence coexist? 
  Do wise global politicians find this road? 
  What kind of decisions should you make under the wise global politicians? 
 Changes in the political thoughts of human civilization 
  ~Ying Chieh Huang ~ 
  The political thoughts of global politicians must be civilized changes, and contemporary political figures must have contemporary political thoughts. 
  1. The development of traditional nationalism that has not yet globalized mankind 
  The human generation before the development of the global Internet civilization, human information exchanges and interactions, cannot smoothly popularize the global human society, and the human living environment is mainly based on the inherent territory of the country. 
  For the human generation where the knowledge of global geography and the people’s wisdom has not yet opened up, the rule of national and ethnic groups ruled and ruled thoughts. It is generally believed that the world is infinitely large, and the resources of the world are considered inexhaustible. The country must be strong and the struggle for nationalism is It's justified. 
  At that stage of human history, there has never been a political entity leader of a country that rationalized the use of the earth's resources would be his ruling government considerations. 
  The only thing that contemporary state rulers should pay attention to is that the country composed of other ethnic groups of mankind is the most important factor jeopardizing the interests of the country. 
  It is believed that other countries in the world are in hostile relations with this country, and the struggle to strengthen nationalism in this country is absolutely necessary. 
  Therefore, traditional nationalist political thought is the core value of the ruler of the country. 
  It is necessary to ensure that the country is strong to make the country safe, and to ensure that the country is strong and prosperous is the only goal of governance. 
  Therefore, it is the national interest to conquer the ethnic groups of other countries, and this is a matter of course. 
  Before the concept of human globalization, the relationship between the ethnic groups and the people in most countries was that the country was the ruler, and the people were just a tool to make the country strong. 
  At that time, the people did not have the so-called democracy, freedom and human rights of life thinking. The rulers of the country all followed the rule of "those who obey me, those who rebel against me perish". 
  But often due to the domineering rule of the country's ruler, the people's justice rebounds, which is an important element in the formation of the dynasty changes of the country in the past dynasties. 
  Therefore, the development of contemporary traditional national interests and the development of the country from a statist ruling stand are understandable. 
  But the so-called spirit of all human beings think that the world is big, nationalism struggles, and the dynasties of human beings have changed from generation to generation, resulting in the unconstrained rule of the earth's resources for thousands of years, and the abuse of the world's (earth) resources, especially in modern times. These 200 years have triggered contemporary extreme climate changes. 
  No tears if you don't see the coffin! 
  You must wake up as soon as you see the coffin! 
  Don't be like a boiled frog, knowing whether to live or die, then human beings will be pitiful living on the earth! 
  In the current extreme climate, the earth fights back, natural and man-made disasters continue. This is the abuse of the earth's resources, nationalism and selfish struggle for national interests, allowing the global mankind to abuse the earth's resources with unrestricted democracy and freedom, overly arrogant abuse of the earth's resources, the world is in anarchy, unable to carry out global resources Macro-control is the result of more rational use of the earth’s resources. 
  The chief culprit of the extreme climate is of course human beings. But continue to get to the bottom of it, in fact, the culprit is that the nationalist contemporary global political entity ruling authorities have failed to do the focus political actions they should do. 
  If as early as 20 years ago, global political entities successfully established a common reasonable and effective "Earth Unity Management Committee", established a "world government system", formulated reasonable and effective "global governance policies", and carried out "global governance", The climate change of today's extreme climate on the earth can be deduced with certainty, and it will not be as serious as it is now. 
  If the leading authorities of global political entities do not rush to make an emergency and jointly produce immediate actions, then humankind will suffer more serious natural and man-made disasters in the future days of the earth. 
  Leading authorities of global political entities, please immediately awaken collectively and make correct political actions! 
  Nationalist struggle is a nightmare for mankind. 
  A reasonable, effective and legal "world government system" is the guarantee of human life. 
  The nationalist struggle that led to human war must end. 
  A real world peace world government system must be established. 
  The violent nationalist struggles of contemporary humans have caused human lives to be disgraced. Global political entities must jointly form a reasonable, legal, and effective "world government system", and implement effective global governance policies. This is the only hope for the benefit of mankind around the world. 
  Recorded death toll in human war 
  Since the Pangu era, humans have recorded primitive wars that can be counted. It is estimated that 15.1% of human deaths worldwide and the death toll exceed 400 million. 
  From 3500 BC to the end of the twentieth century, the total number of deaths due to war was about 1.6 billion people (including the number of famine and disease deaths caused by war). 
  The war with the highest number of deaths in history was World War II. The total number of deaths in the world is estimated to be between 190 million. In terms of population ratio, the Paraguayan war is the most lethal war in modern history, killing more than 60% of Paraguay’s population. 
  In the 20th century, 1.68 billion people died of infectious diseases. 
  There are countless wars in China's history for five thousand years, and the largest number of deaths in a dynasty-changing war is about 200 million people. 
  Anshi Rebellion 
  The Anshi Rebellion broke out in the middle of the Tang Dynasty (December 16, 755-February 17, 763). It was a war launched by the Tang Dynasty generals An Lushan and Shi Siming. 
  The Anshi Rebellion lasted for eight years, and nearly 36 million people were lost. In the third year of Emperor Suzong Qianyuan (760 years) after the Anshi Rebellion, the number of registered households in all states across the country was 2,633,174, with a population of nearly 16 million. The population reported by each state in the 13th year of Emperor Xuanzong’s Tianbao of the Tang Dynasty before the Tong’an Rebellion was 52 million. In comparison, the population loss at that time was roughly 36 million people. 
  The Yuan Dynasty's Battle to Eliminate the Song Dynasty 
  In order to unify the whole of China, the Mongolians carried out brutal killings in combat areas, coupled with prolonged plagues and famines, resulting in heavy population losses. 
  After 1234, the northern population reached its lowest level. The number of registered households in Yimo completed in 1236 was more than 1.1 million, only 13% of the peak of the Jin Dynasty. The deaths of the Southern Song Dynasty were mainly in Sichuan. The Mongolian massacred nearly 20 million people, and less than 800,000 people remained after the massacre. 
  According to statistics, China had a population of approximately 93.47 million in 1122 AD. After the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, the population was estimated to be approximately 8.87 million, and 85 million were lost in the decades-long war. 
  The Qing Dynasty's Battle to Eliminate the Ming Dynasty 
  In 1583 AD, Nurhaci began to attack the Ming Dynasty. 
  According to statistics during the decades of war, the population of the whole country was about 100 million at the end of the Ming Dynasty. By the time of Emperor Shunzhi, the population of the country was about 14 million. 86 million people were lost in this war that lasted for decades. 
  Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement 
  The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement was a peasant uprising led by Hong Xiuquan and others. Until the end of 1864, the Taiping Rebellion lasted for 13 years. 
  According to statistics, there were about 430 million people in China around 1850. The population "reduced to 230 million in 1864, and about 200 million people died in 13 years." 
  Massacre in the Mongol Empire. 
  Entered into the Guinness World Records. 
  In this war, the death toll included more than 200 million Chinese, Central Asians, West Asians and Eastern Europeans. 
  In the four years of Xuanhe in the Northern Song Dynasty, the total population of China was more than 90 million, but in the early years of the Yuan Dynasty, the statistical population was only more than 8 million. 
  After the Mongolian army conquered the Southern Song Dynasty, the only national population statistics made by the Yuan Dynasty was in 1330, about 65 million. 
  In the Song Dynasty, the Northern Song Dynasty government registered 20 million households in 1109. 
  Kublai Khan became emperor in 1260. In 1271, Kublai Khan changed his country name to "Dai Ön Ulus" in his territory and established the Yuan Dynasty, which was called "Dai Ön Ulus" (Dai Ön Ulus) in Mongolian. 
  Kublai Khan was the founding monarch of the Yuan Dynasty and the first among the minority emperors to unify China. He reigned for 35 years (1260-1294) and created an unprecedented scale of the Eastern Empire. 
  Genghis Khan rode his horse across 44 countries, conquered 600 million people and created the first and only time in Chinese history that a regime crossed the Eurasian continent. 
  In 1206, the Mongolian nobles and courtiers supported Temujin as the leader, and he was honored as "Genghis Khan". After that, Genghis Khan established the Mongolian state and began his career of expanding abroad. 
  To eliminate gold, there is a 40 million difference between the population statistics of the Kingdom of Jin and that of Mongolia. It is estimated that at least 30 million people were slaughtered, and more than 80% of the people of the Kingdom of Jin were slaughtered, but most of them were Han Chinese in the north. 
  After the Song Dynasty was extinguished, the massacre was somewhat restrained. Only cities that encountered stubborn resistance, such as Suzhou and Changzhou, were slaughtered. Sichuan was the first victim, and the massacre was the most severe. Almost all Sichuanese at the time were killed. . 
  The Xixia Kingdom was completely wiped out when Xixia was destroyed. The Xixia people were estimated to be several million, except for the slaves and mercenaries, all the others were killed. 
  The destruction of Arabs was almost a slaughter of more than 100 cities. At that time, the Arab world was at the end of its heyday. Counting 200,000 people per city, it is estimated that tens of millions of people were killed. The number of the invasion of Europe is still unclear, but now Europeans talk about the Mongols with hatred. 
  The statistics on the deaths of Genghis Khan’s army are incomplete. There are about 200 million people. The Jin Kingdom, Southern Song Dynasty and Xixia have a total of about 150 million. The population of the Jin Dynasty is about 60 million. In 1234, the Jin Dynasty was destroyed by Genghis Khan and the population was only About 10 million remained; the population of Southern Song Dynasty was close to 80 million, and when it perished in 1279, only about 18 million remained; the population of Xixia was 10 million. 
  The total death toll in Central Asia, Europe and other countries is around 90 million. 
  According to incomplete statistics, Genghis Khan conquered more than 720 ethnic groups, successively wiped out 44 countries, and over 600 million people surrendered to Genghis Khan's rule. As many as 200 million people were killed and injured in the Mongolian army. 
  In 1227, after Genghis Khan died of an arrow in the Battle of Nishapuran, his son Tuolai killed all the lives in Nishapuran in order to avenge him. Clark estimates that as many as 1.75 million civilians were slaughtered. This battle set a historical legend that killed 1.748 million people in one hour. 
  Which dynasty change was not piled up with human lives? 
  A battle between Yuan and Song dynasties made the Song Dynasty directly lose half of its population! 70 million people died in the Song Dynasty. If you count the number of deaths in the Mongolian army, this number will be close to 100 million. 
  This historical record makes me, a modern person of Mongolian descent, feel trembling and shocked in my sleep! 
  Therefore, in this life, I have spent 30 years of hard work to study how to eliminate the brutal and terrible wars on the earth. 
  As human beings, we must implement the great plan that will enable mankind to truly move towards world peace in the future. 
  Start the civilized "unify the earth" movement! 
  Call on the leading authorities of all political entities in the world to civilize and jointly launch the "Unification of the Earth" movement! 
  The most serious problem for mankind on the earth is global anarchy. 
  The global anarchy of mankind has led to competition for the use of resources by various countries in the world, excessive use of the earth's resources, and inability to effectively macro-control the rational use of global resources, leading to serious climate changes and causing more serious natural and man-made disasters on the earth. 
  Human beings on the earth must establish an Earth Management Committee as soon as possible, so that all political entities in the world have a unified leadership center on the earth, and macro-control the rational use of human resources on the earth, so that human beings on the earth can be more reasonable, safer and stable. Life. 
  Calling on global politicians to awaken immediately, start the "peaceful unification of the earth" movement, and form a common "earth unity management center" for mankind. Only then can we truly benefit the global mankind, and this is the true meaning of contemporary "global politics". 
  The above discussion of the principles of human survival on the earth is completely logical and fully established. 
  Great politicians with political ethics in the world, come on! 
  Contemporary global politicians give up their small noses and small eyes, and give up the political struggle of nationalism! 
  Call on contemporary politicians to open their minds, benefit mankind around the world, and implement the Earth Unity Movement. 
  Cosmopolitanism ruled by an armed unified empire will eventually be wiped out by human justice. 
  In contemporary human civilization, the era of forcibly integrating ethnic people by force has passed. 
  Only the "world-integrated administrative thinking" of world peace and the "globalism of global democracy, constitutional government and republicanism" are the common goals of human beings in the community of life on earth. 
  My old ancestors are Mongolians. My Mongolian ancestors created the inherent territory of China in the largest territory of all dynasties in Chinese history. How do we, as contemporary people on earth, think about the future of mankind on the earth? ? 
  The Yuan Dynasty is the largest dynasty in China's territory. 
  The Yuan Dynasty established by Kublai Khan was the largest dynasty in Chinese history and the second largest empire in the history of the world. 
  In addition, the Yuan Dynasty had four khanates and other vassal states including Korea and some countries in Southeast Asia. 
  The Mongol Empire has been fighting around since the establishment of Genghis Khan. After the conquest and expansion of several Khan kings, especially the three Western Expeditions, it occupied many parts of Europe, and the territory of the empire continued to increase. 
  At its peak, the Mongol Empire had an area of ​​33 million square kilometers. Although some territories were disputed, it was believed to be only 24 million square kilometers. In any case, it was the second largest empire in the history of the world. 
  Before the Yuan Dynasty, there were also border ethnic minorities who entered the Central Plains and established their own political power, but they had never been able to rule the entire China. 
  However, after more than 70 years of military conquests after the rise of the Mongols, they finally unified most of China and formed an unprecedentedly vast Yuan Empire. 
  Except for the major changes in Xinjiang, the territory of the Yuan Dynasty is stable: in the north, it starts from the present Irtysh River in the west and reaches the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the east. In the east, it owns the northeastern part of the Korean peninsula. In the southwest, including the present-day Kashmir region and Bhutan and Sikkim in the southern foothills of the Himalayas, present-day northeastern Myanmar and northern Thailand. 
  Compared with the territories of the heydays of the Han and Tang dynasties, the Yuan dynasty not only greatly surpassed the Tang and Han dynasties in terms of area, but also surpassed it in terms of control. Except for the Tubo area and the three units directly affiliated to the imperial court in the eastern part of Xinjiang (Don't lose Bali, Harahuozhou, and Hamili), the Yuan Dynasty established the Xingzhong Shushu Province, referred to as the Xing Province, including the Han and Tang Dynasties. The areas north of the Mongolian Plateau and the lower reaches of the Liaohe River where no formal administrative region has been set up. 
  The Mongol Empire has four khanates, which were entrusted to his sons by Genghis Khan. 
  In 1227, Genghis Khan died in battle in Liupan Mountain, Ningxia, and ordered his second son Chagatai, third son Wokuotai, fourth son Tuolai, Changsun Batu (the second son of Shuchi, the second son of Shuchi was no longer alive at that time), and several of Genghis Khan’s The younger brother participated in the quota distribution. Chagatai was assigned to the original Xiliao homeland, leading 4000 households; although Wokuodai came to the throne, the family territory was only the old land, leading 4000 households; according to the Mongolian custom of "young sons guarding property", tow mine inherited the birthplace of the Mongol Empire The Mongolian mainland centered on the upper reaches of the Onen River and the upper reaches of the Kelulun River led 101,000 households; Batu obtained his father’s territory on the grasslands west of the Irtysh River and led 4,000 households. The remaining territory and army were divided among the younger brothers of Genghis Khan. As the common property of the "Golden Family", the Handi of Central Plains and the "Hezhong" area of ​​Central Asia are set up and managed by the Dahan Wokuotai. 
  Although the four khanates belong to Mongolia, they are also independent. 
  After Kublai Khan (son of Tuo Lei) inherited the throne and established the Yuan Dynasty, among the four khanates, except for the Yier Khanate because it was built by Kublai’s younger brother, it has always admitted that he is the suzerain and has a relationship with the Yuan Dynasty. The other three are more or less right. There were dissatisfaction and conflicts in the Yuan Dynasty, and wars often broke out between them. Therefore, the territories belonging to the four khanates of the Mongol Empire were not counted in the territory of the later Yuan Dynasty. If the four countries add up, the total territories will reach 10 million square kilometers. 
  The Yuan Dynasty inherited the main territory of the Mongol Empire, and its actual area was only half. Kublai Khan conquered some places and destroyed the Southern Song Dynasty to unify China. The land area of ​​the Yuan Dynasty was about 15 million square kilometers. 
  Now, the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have been divided and ruled for more than 70 years, and they have all moved towards a living environment where they live and work in peace and contentment. 
  The inherent territorial theory of contemporary China threatens to rule Taiwan by force? In order to explain to the ancestors of China, why not revive all the largest areas inherent in China? 
  Contemporary politicians are engaged in politics, not in ruling, not in military reunification, but in real politics. 
  The greatest responsibility of contemporary politicians is to benefit mankind globally, not to rule mankind. 
  Therefore, the most important political issue for contemporary politicians is that mankind is presenting anarchy on the entire earth. 
  Contemporary politicians must try to work together and peacefully unify the earth in order to truly benefit mankind. 
  In this way, the entire world becomes your territory. The inherent territorial argument is shared by all human beings in the world, not a political entity's ruling behavior. 
  This statement is established. 
  Global political entity ruling authorities, please come on! 
  2. The political thoughts that contemporary globalized politicians should have 
  People are not born to be very precise, suitable for the place, suitable for the law, timely and suitable for the work. 
  There must be my teacher in a three-person line at any time. 
  Therefore, it is necessary for people to always modestly change traditional out-of-date and inappropriate ideas and practices. 
  The human beings on the earth, especially the contemporary global political leadership, still retain the traditional nationalist political thought to govern. Whether it can truly benefit the global mankind, PDCA and civilization always evolve. 
  Global political minds must be updated and upgraded 
  Launched a campaign to upgrade the political minds of global politicians 
  Launched a campaign to upgrade the political minds of the governing authorities of global political entities. 
  The continuous upgrading of human smart phones will make human use more convenient and smarter. 
  To politicians around the world, has your political acumen been upgraded? 
  The smart phones used by human beings have been rapidly and continuously upgraded in the past ten years. 
  However, does the political mind of the governing authorities of global political entities still maintain traditional nationalist political ideas? 
  If the leaders of political entities do not upgrade their minds, they will leave human beings in a situation of traditional nationalist struggle, and humans around the world will be baptized by war at any time. 
  If the minds of global politicians are upgraded and become the version of "world integrated administrative thinking" and "global democratic constitutional republican cosmopolitanism," then global mankind will immediately move towards the realm of world peace. 
  The traditional nationalist political minds of politicians around the world have been upgraded to the version of "world integrated administrative thought" and "global democratic constitutional republican cosmopolitanism". The political entities and authorities will coincide with each other, and the collective assembly will form the unified center of collective leadership of mankind on the earth. , The establishment of the “Earth Management Committee”, the formulation of a reasonable and effective “Earth World Constitution”, the construction of a reasonable and effective world government system, the implementation of a reasonable and effective global governance policy, and the implementation of global governance, mankind will enter the realm of real world peace. 
  Global politicians, come on! 
  Upgrade your mind! Upgrade the traditional nationalist version of your mind and change it to the "world integrated administrative thought" and "global democratic constitutional republican cosmopolitanism" version! 
  Politics that respect the "collective wisdom of mankind" is the best global politics. 
  Especially global politicians, including global humans, please think carefully! 
  The current human beings on the earth are presenting a state of global anarchy. 
  For the sustainable development of human beings on the earth, the primary work goal is to first establish the "humanity's overall global organization and operation structure". 
  That is, mankind must establish a collective and unified earth management committee on the earth. 
  The organization and operation of such a collective human leadership center will resolve the waste of earth resources caused by the struggle between human races, adjust the integration of human races, macro-control the earth resources, rationally and effectively use the earth resources, and make the global resources reasonable, legal and appropriate macro-control. To achieve the earth's ecological balance, mankind will inevitably develop smoothly and sustainably on the earth. 
  Global politicians should show their political conscience and political wisdom more modestly. It is the blessing of global mankind to truly benefit the global mankind. 
  Contemporary global politicians must face up to contemporary civilized political thoughts, human beings can no longer be ruled by rape. 
  Contemporary global politicians must face up to the facts of the political significance and changes of national rule, national politics, and national governance. 
  The era of contemporary mankind being ruled has gradually passed. 
  Contemporary rulers' ruling and governance thoughts must be self-examined and transformed, and upgraded to contemporary political thoughts of politicians with standard political power. 
  全球政治家的頭腦必須由國家主義改變為"世界整合行政思想全球民主憲政共和世界主義", 這是唯一讓地球人類能更安全安定的生活在這個地球唯一的方案。 
 今日的地球人類,唯有大家努力發揚”世界整合行政思想”。讓這些國家主義者、 帝國主義者,改變心態。讓 國家主義者、帝國主義者的頭腦,升級為“世界整合行政思想“的領導者,共同建構合理的“世界憲法“。 
 你是來當皇帝的呢?還是來為人民服務的呢? 當代的政治家是服務地球人類為目的。當代偉大的政治家會讓地球人類有尊嚴的在地球 好好的生活,當代政治家 不是來奴役人類 , 驅使人類,剝削人類的生活。 
 睿智的全球政治家們,你的決策是否能自保呢? 或是能保護你的國家呢? 
  睿智的全球政治家們,你是否為自己發現一條和平永續共存的康莊大道呢? 睿智的全球政治家們,你是否為人類發現一條和平永續共存的康莊大道呢? 
  睿智的全球政治家們,是為自己的利益來從事政治呢? 或者是為自已的國家安全來從事政治呢? 如果你只是為自已的國家安全來從事政治,你的做法與決策是正確嗎? 
  睿智的全球政治家們,你的思想是否提升成為人類永續共存,而來從事政治行為呢? 或者是只為自已的國家安全來從事政治活動呢? 你的做法與決策對嗎? 如果你只顧為自已的國家安全從事政治行為,以你現在的做法與決策,你就能確保自已的國家安全嗎? 
  維持人類傳統鬥爭,互相廝殺,這樣好嗎? 還是邁向和平重要呢? 
  大搞軍備重要呢? 還是串聯成立”地球管理委員會”重要呢? 
  大搞軍備重要呢? 還是串聯全球政治實體共同成立和平永續共存的“地球管理委員會”重要呢? 
  大搞軍備有利益呢? 或者是串聯全球政治領域,共同成立和平永續共存的”地球管理委員會”比較有利益呢? 
  ~黃頴㨗 Ying Chieh Huang ~ 
 全球政治家政治思想必須文明的變遷, 當代的政治人物必須有當代的政治思想。  
  對全球地地理知識民智未開的這樣的人類世代,國家族群統治統治者統治思想,普遍認為天下是無限的大, 天下資源被認為取之不盡用之不竭,國家要強盛,國家主義鬥爭是天經地義的。 
 當代的國家統治者唯一要關注的就是 人類其他族群所組成的國家是危害本國家利益的最重大因素。 
 所以傳統國家主義政治思想是國家統治者的統治核心價值 。 
 要確保國家強大才能夠讓國家安全,要確保國家強盛是唯一的統治目標 。  
 人類全球化的觀念之前,大部分國家族群與人民的關係,國家是統治者, 人民只是讓國家強壯的工具。 
 但是所謂萬物之靈的人類,以為天下很大,國家主義鬥爭,人類歷代王朝改朝換代,造成了幾千年來人類對地球資源無約束的統治觀念,對天下(地球)資源濫用, 尤其是在近代這200年,引發當代極端氣候變遷。 
 見了棺材就必須趕快覺醒吧 ! 
 不要還像被煮的青蛙一樣,不知死活 ,那人類在地球生活就可憐了 ! 
 當前極端氣候,大地反撲,天災人禍連連,這是人類濫用地球資源,國家主義自私爭鬥國家利益,讓全球人類以無限制的民主自由,過於驕縱濫用地球資源,全球呈現無政府狀態,無法進行全球資源宏觀調控,以更合理化使用地球資源的結果 。 
 造成極端氣候的罪魁禍首,當然是人類自己 。但是繼續追根究底,事實上,造成罪魁禍首的,就是國家主義的當代全球政治實體執政當局,沒有做好應該做的焦點政治行為。 
 全球政治實體領導當局,如果不趕緊急結,共同產生立即性的行動 ,那人類在地球未來的日子,將遭受更重大天災人禍的傷害。 
 全球政治實體領導當局,請立即集體覺醒 ,做出正確的政治行為吧! 
  安史之亂持續了八年時間,損失了將近3600萬人。 在安史之亂後的肅宗乾元三年(760年),全國各州上報的戶口為2633174戶,將近1600萬的人口數量,同安史之亂前的唐玄宗天寶十三年各州上報的人口數量5200萬人相比,當時人口損失大致是3600萬人口。 
  1234年後,北方人口達到最低,1236年完成的乙末籍戶為110餘萬戶,僅有金代鼎盛時期的13%。 南宋死亡人口主要在四川,蒙古族屠殺了近2000萬人,屠殺後剩餘不到80萬人。 
  太平天國運動,是由洪秀全等人領導一場農民起義。 直到1864年結束,這場太平天國 起義長達13年。 
 1260年忽必烈稱帝。1271年忽必烈在其領地內改國號為「大元」,建立元朝,蒙古文則稱為「大元國」(Dai Ön Ulus)。 
 據不完整統計,成吉思汗征服了七百二十多個民族,先後剿滅了四十四個國家,六億多人口臣服於成吉思汗的統治。 因蒙古軍征戰死傷人數高達2億 。 
  所以,今生我花了30年的心血 ,努力研究如何讓人類在地球消除殘暴可怕的戰爭。 
 呼籲全球所有政治實體領導當局,文明地共同啟動 "地球統一"運動! 
 人類全球無政府狀態導至於世界各國爭奪使用資源, 浮濫使用地球資源 ,無法有效宏觀調控全球資源合理的使用,導致嚴重的氣候變遷,導致人類在地球更嚴重的天災人禍。 
  呼籲全球政治家即時覺醒,開啟“和平統一地球“運動,形成人類共同的“地球統一管理中心“,才能真正的造福全球人類 ,才是當代“全球政治“真正的意義 。 
 呼籲當代政治人物放開心胸,造福全球人類,執行地球統一運動 。 
 忽必烈(拖雷之子)繼承汗位建立元朝後,四大汗國中除了伊兒汗國因為是忽必烈的弟弟所建所以一直承認他是宗主和元朝關係,其他三個多多少少對元朝有不滿和衝突,之間常發生戰亂。因此,屬於蒙古帝國的四大汗國的領土,卻不算在後來元朝的版圖。如果四個國家加起來 全部的 領土疆域達到一千萬平方公里。 
  現在,台灣海峽兩岸的人民事實已經分治70年以上 而且都已經邁向安居樂業的生活環境。 
 當代中國的固有疆域理論,揚言要武統台灣? 為了向中國的老祖宗有所交代為什麼不把原本中國固有的最大疆域全部再度復興呢? 
 當代政治人物是搞政治,不是要搞統治, 不是要搞武統,是要真正的搞政治。 
  敬告全球的政治家,你的政治頭腦有升級嗎 ? 
  如果全球政治家頭腦升級,成為“世界整合行政思想“、“全球民主憲政共和世界主義“這個版本,那全球人類就立即邁向真正世界和平的境界了 。 
 全球的政治家傳統國家主義的政治頭腦,升級為“世界整合行政思想“、“全球民主憲政共和世界主義“的版本,政治實體當局將不約而同,集體的集結,形成人類在地球的集體領導統一中心,成立“地球管理委員會“,訂定合理有效的“地球世界憲法“,建構合理有效的世界政府體系,執行合理有效的全球治理政策,進行全球治理,人類就邁入真正世界和平的境界 。 
 當前地球的人類是呈現全球無政府狀態 。 
 人類在地球要永續發展,首要工作目標,就是必須先將"人類的全球總體組織運作架構",建立起來 。 
 當代全球政治人物必須正視當代文明政治思想的人類,已經是無法被強暴統治了 。 
 當代人類文明進化, 讓人類建立集體統一領導中心。 
 讓地球人類、全球政治實體,共同改造聯合國,形成合理有效的地球管理委員會 鞥,訂定人類共識的"世界憲法",建立共同的世界政府體系,執行全球治理政策,進行全球治理。 
  能夠造福全球人類的有效、合法、合理化政府體系的"行政命令",是必要的 。 
 全球人類傳統的國家主義鬥爭,並不是對全球人類最有利益的,而是對全球人類是最為害的政治模式 。 到目前為止人類的歷史是一部戰爭史,這已經足以證明以上的論點。 
 對整個地球人類最有利益的政治模式 ,全球的政治家、全球的政治實體執政當局,應該好好的來探討並且共同產出共識性的可行性方案並賦予實現。 
 為了防止國家主義惡性鬥爭造成對地球資源濫用以及殘酷的戰爭所造成人類的傷害,所有全球政治實體聯合組全球人類的集體領導中心,也就是建立地球管理委員會這樣的人類創新組織運作團體,來領導全球所有的政治實體,讓全球所有的政治實體有一個共同的集集領導統一中心 。 
 就如同當年美國各州成立美利堅合眾國,或者是歐洲各國形成歐洲聯盟,或者是第二次世界大戰之後全球人類組織成為聯合國這樣的一個交流平台的人類組織運作的事實邏輯的道理 一樣我們只要將這個全世界交流平台的聯合國,再把它加強改造,讓聯合國變成有實際政治權力的全球各個政治實體真正的統一領導中心,訂定合理有效的人類在地球世界憲法,讓全世界各政治實體聯合組成整個世界政府體系的道理一樣,那以往國家主義的鬥爭就自然消失了,人類就能合理有效的調理全球整個資源的運用管理,讓整個地球恢復自然生態循環的永續發展,同時全球人類就是人可以享受沒有戰爭威脅的美好生活了 。 
 以上的人類在地球的永續發展的道路 論述,完全合乎邏輯推論,這樣的道理是完全可行性,完全可以確立的。 
 親愛的全球睿智、有政治道德的政治家是否認同以上真正落實造福全球人類的全球創新政治模式的推理呢 ? 
 應該起來行動了吧 ! 
 這樣的夢想,請問,你準備好了嗎 ? 
 我們必須針對全球政治實體執政當局、關鍵的政治家的政治思想,進行非常必要的激勵,讓全球的政治當局 、政治家角色,具有不會讓他自己、他的子子孫孫、全球的人類,生活在地球不因為戰爭而戰死。 
  尋出化解人類戰爭的偉大方案,並啟動執行行動方案 ,就是最偉大的人類合理人權的貢獻。 
 見義勇為的偉大人類, 不是見義勇為的去發動反對所謂的違反人權的對抗運動。如此,反而造成族群更大的仇恨對立,不但沒有有效的化解人權問題,卻製造更多的族群間互相傷害問題。 
 全球所有的任何政治實體, 必須以存異求同的精神,集合、整合、融合在"世界整合行政思想"的"全球民主憲政共和的世界主義", 形成全球人類生命共同體,邁向真正世界和平,共存、共榮唯一之道。 
 未來全球各政治實體的前途?!未來 人類社會的前途?! 
 你的政治實體如何與世界人類互動而共存共生?! 你的政治實體如何與世界人類互動而共存共生?!或維持處於叢林法則的旋渦中?! 
 所以提出以"學習型組織"運作模式,來磨合所有的政治實體、人民的心,產出你的政治實體、人民在地球的新定位, 產出你的政治實體的新共識、新願景、新精神、新奮鬥目標!  
 在你的政治實體,我們需要政治實體 新共識,新願景,新精神,新奮鬥目標。我們需要變成獨善其身並兼善天下的"全球民主憲政共和的世界政府"的運作與促成之區域! 
 以你的政治實體引領世界,建設 你的政治實體 成為全球民主憲政共和的世界政府首都,讓你的政治實體有機會成為未來全球民主憲政共和的世界政府的根據地! 
 這是你的政治實體創新的願景, 你的政治實體未來的新奮鬥精神,你的政治實體未來的新共識! 
 這樣的全球政治實體就能凝聚新共識,新願景,新精神,新奮鬥目標,再造 全球人類新發展!這樣的施政政策,沒有政治疆界爭議,沒有軍事危險,給全球人類人民新希望,創造全球人類七級產業新經濟。 
 只要全球各種政黨重新調整黨意,將眼光放遠,願景深化,自然交集在一起而共心共意, 全球各種政黨黨意即統一,並與全世界人類族群統一於共存共生的新願景,也就等於再造全球 人民的新共識與新統一精神, 你的政治實體與世界皆得以安和樂利發展! 
 你的政治實體人民的新共識在哪呢? 你的政治實體人民的新共識在這裡! 
 用心來思考一個你的政治實體如何立足世界,能融合於世界人類的和平共存共生的情境的新政治實體共識,在 你的政治實體各角色扮演的現場,如何和平永續共存共生?找出這樣的政治實體新共識,是你的政治實體 人民的福氣! 
 你的政治實體新共識,新願景,新精神,新奮鬥目標,需要變成獨善其身並兼善天下的全球民主憲政共和的世界政府的運作與促成之 區域! 
 你的政治實體 新共識在哪裡? 
 理出一個世界共識就是一支最長的槓桿,這是一種偉大的槓桿原理遊戲,如何建立較長的經營槓桿? 你的政治實體如何建立較長的經營槓桿? 
 創建共同願景思想的投資,比較創建霸權武力投資,哪一種合乎槓桿原理?國不成國是推動世界政府的最佳原動力, 你的政治實體 已是推動世界政府的最佳基地。 
 全球政治實體 政治領導人不要當井底之蛙,要有真正的遠見,要看到 中國 古代戰略專家的韓信背水一戰奮力一搏的潛能,有潛能而不知使用,而錯過時機,則任何政治實體政治領導人視同任何政治實體發展的罪人。 
 你的政治實體 最正確的必須立即行動的調整方向,重造聯合國為世界政府, 你的政治實體 須要加緊來燒香。 
 有遠見夠聰明的 全球各政治實體 政治領導人,必須積極盡早佈局搶利基。 
 同樣是建設 你的政治實體,建設願景為何不把 你的政治實體 定位為世界政府行政園區? 
 同樣是建設 你的政治實體,為何不把 你的政治實體 建設為世界政府 體系的 示範區? 
 重造聯合國為全球民主憲政共和的世界政府, 全球各政治實體 須要加緊來燒香! 
 鼓吹成立世界政府,是建設 你的政治實體 的大利基。 
 你的政治實體 只要花力量搞世界整合行政思想,然後積極建設台灣為世界整合行政園區, 你的政治實體 就無內憂外患, 你的政治實體 就無政治疆界惡鬥及其資源的浪費,全球來朝聖,國際觀光大發市利,未來青少年就業機會大增,國富民足。 
 建設 你的政治實體 為全球世界整合行政示範區、行政區、觀光區,是 你的政治實體 最正確的必須立即行動的調整方向。 
 重造聯合國為全球民主憲政共和的世界政府, 全球所有的政治實體 須要加緊來燒香! 
 今日拯救地球,防止引爆唯一之路: 只有對全球人類訂定新生活方式,並立法嚴格執行。 
 今後唯一有效的地球人類共存之道是「世界整合行政主義 The World Integrate Administrative Ism」。 
 世界整合行政主義 The World Integrate Administrative Ism統籌全球人類244個政治實體,共同改造聯合國,成立「地球統一發展管理委員會」,制定人類統一的新生活方式,並嚴格立法執行。這是全球政治實體領袖,於今日必須緊急處理的道德與責任。 
 世界整合行政主義 The World Integrate Administrative Ism學習型組織理念幫助全球244個政治實體領袖,與其智囊團隊,及地球人類,更深入思考未來,強化覺察力,間接影響下層決策,並融入文化,來加速改變成員的心智模式,提升其快速應變的能力及創造力。 
 今日創造 全球政治實體 新價值,四兩撥千斤創造 你的政治實體 新價值,製造 你的政治實體 立足世界的核心價值,創造 你的政治實體 被世界利用的價值,讓 你的政治實體 引領這個世界, 換個腦袋 你的政治實體 就能引領全世界,讓 你的政治實體 為世界做出偉大的貢獻。 
 更新 全球政治實體 的天空,更新 你的政治實體 天空的氣息。 
 全球政治實體 下放舊思想,跳脫舊政治思潮,搞出 全球 創新政治與經濟! 
 世界整合行政 政治思想的 全球政治實體,搞 全球創新政治與經濟。讓全球的天空,充滿一片慈祥與和氣。讓 全球的政治實體的天空,蘊釀世界整合行政思想的祥和之氣。培養 全球政治實體 共識推動世界整合行政思想。讓 你的政治實體的 人民一起來搞政治,讓全球人類一起來搞政治,人類就能和平永續共存! 
 你的政治實體 以槓桿原理開發 全球政治實體 創值新局。四兩撥千斤大搞創新政治! 四兩 撥千斤大搞國際創新政治! 四兩撥千斤大搞全球創新政治可富足你的政治實體並換來人類和平共存永續。 
 今日台灣共識新內涵 ,今日 全球朝野各政黨共識新內涵,以推動世界整合行政思想為 全球所有政治實體找出 全球人民凝聚新共識的力量。 
 推動世界整合行政思想是全球所有的政治實體全民凝聚新共識的力量。 全球各別政治實體全民凝聚新共識的力量,推動世界整合行政思想,成為全球世界整合行政推動標竿。 
 由 你的政治實體 擔當世界整合行政思想的推手。為 你的政治實體,為全球世界,找出人類永續和平共存的新模式:推動世界整合行政思想,成立全球民主憲政共和世界政府。 
 培養你的政治實體 新共識:推動世界整合行政思想,成為世界整合行政思想推動標竿。成為世界整合行政思想推手。讓 你的政治實體 成為推動世界整合行政思想的推手。 你的政治實體 率先推動世界整合行政思想,不只能確保 你的政治實體 安全永續發展,還能讓 你的政治實體 影響全世界。 
 讓 你的政治實體的人民尚停留於各政治實體領土疆域爭議,如此的思想則呈現小器又落伍, 而且也無法讓 你的政治實體帶來安全永續發展。再搞 政治實體領土爭議糾紛 ,互相惡性鬥爭的政治實體皆為輸家。 
 讓 你的政治實體 能影響全世界的最經濟有效的策略,確保 你的政治實體 安全永續發展的策略,讓 你的政治實體 能影響全世界政經發展策略,就是推動 你的政治實體 朝野全民世界整合行政思想,就是讓 你的政治實體 成為推動世界整合行政思想的推手,就是建設 你的政治實體 成為世界整合行政秘書作業政治實體,就是爭取未來世界政府成立的根據地,就是讓 你的政治實體為全球政治領袖來扛轎,就是建設 你的政治實體 成為未來世界政府行政中心,如此也就能讓 你的政治實體 服務經濟邁向最高峰發展,這就是創值國際政治經濟!這就是以四兩撥千金來創值 你的政治實體,讓 你的政治實體 能平安永續立足地球之計。讓 你的政治實體 為世界做出偉大的貢獻!讓 你的政治實體 引領全世界! 
 你的政治實體 最正確的必須立即行動的調整方向 
 重造聯合國為全球民主憲政共和的世界政府, 你的政治實體 須要加緊來燒香。 
 以台灣 這樣的政治實體的情況,要激發重造聯合國為民主憲政共和的世界政府,是絕對會實現的。 
 世界政府體系 一定會出現, 你的政治實體 如何搶利基? 
 有遠見夠聰明的 全球各政治實體 政治領導人,必須積極盡早佈局搶利基。 
 當讓大眾看見可行性端倪, 你的政治實體機會就降低了。 
 同樣是建設 你的政治實體,建設願景為何不把 你的政治實體 定位為世界政府行政園區? 
 同樣是建設 你的政治實體,為何不把 你的政治實體 建設為世界政府 體系的行政示範區? 
 重造聯合國為世界聯邦政府 世界政府體系,須要 你的政治實體 加緊來燒香! 
 重造聯合國為世界整合行政思想全球民主憲政的世界主義的世界政府體系, 你的政治實體 須要加緊來燒香! 
 鼓吹成立世界政府,是建設 你的政治實體 的大利基。 你的政治實體 只要花力量搞世界整合行政思想,然後積極建設 你的政治實體 為世界整合行政園區, 你的政治實體 就無內憂外患, 你的政治實體就沒有疆界糾紛惡鬥及 相關資源的浪費,全球來朝聖,國際觀光大發市利,未來青少年就業機會大增,國富民足。 
 建設 你的政治實體 為全球世界整合行政示範區、行政區、觀光區,是台灣最正確的必須立即行動的調整方向。 
 重造聯合國為全球民主憲政共和的世界政府, 你的政治實體 須要加緊來燒香! 
 以 你的政治實體 引領世界,建設成為未來全球民主憲政共和的 世界主義的 世界政府體系的根據地! 
 這樣的共識與願景,將可凝聚 你的政治實體 人民的的團隊智慧與精神,不偏不倚,進而大躍進,沒有危險,只有 全球政治實體 和平共存共生!! 
 這也是世界人類的和平共存的內涵發展方向,是惟一確保 你的政治實體 安全與世界和平的落實運作模式! 
 讓 你的政治實體 獨善其身兼善天下 
 倡導建立全球民主憲政共和 世界主義的 世界政府 
 你的政治實體 成立「全球民主憲政共和世界主義的世界政府促進基金會」。 
 為人類和平共存共生努力以赴而奮鬥。 加油 ! 這是人類真正世界和平共存共榮,唯一的道路,一定會成功的! 
 請覺醒吧 !  














































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