Who has macro political thoughts? Whoever leads One Earth, One Family Site.黃頴㨗
Who has macro political thoughts? Whoever leads
One Earth, One Family Site.黃頴㨗 Ying Chieh Huang(黃穎捷 Huang, Ying Chieh 1951 )
Only the macroscopic "world integrated administrative thought" and "global democratic constitutional republican cosmopolitanism" are enough to lead the political entities and achieve the global political glory that truly reaches the pinnacle of his political life.
Do militaristic politicians have macro-global political thoughts?
Whoever has macro-political ideas will lead.
It is absolutely impossible for a political entity authority to have no macro-global political system thinking and to escape from nationalist struggles. Instead, it resorts to militarism. It wants to conquer its opponents, lead them, and lead the political entities. . A political authority still immersed in traditional nationalist struggles attempts to use force to fight and fantasize about dominating its opponents. This will only incur the hatred of the opponent's greater hostile reaction and make the other party become a deeper enemy of itself. When your opponent treats you as a deeply hated enemy, you simply fail to truly achieve the goal of leading and dominating the other party. Instead, you end up with both sides suffering, endless suffering, and loss of lives. A political leader with macro-political thinking, political morality and world justice must escape from the vicious struggle of nationalism, liberate the traditional struggle of nationalism, and abandon the militaristic armed struggle of the past. He must wake up urgently, he must upgrade his own political thoughts, he must go to a higher level, and he must take the lead in stepping into "world integrated administrative thought" and "global democratic constitutional republican cosmopolitanism". Only with such a macroscopic view of the global political system can he truly lead the global political entities towards the pinnacle of global political glory.
誰有宏觀的政治思想 誰就領導誰
一個地球,一個家人的網站。One Earth, One Family Site.黃頴㨗 Ying Chieh Huang(黃穎捷 Huang, Ying Chieh 1951 )