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發稿日:2024/05/23 11:02:00 PM
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The Territorial Theory of the Rationalized Life Autonomy
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The Territorial Theory of the Rationalized Life Autonomy of Human Ethnic Groups 
  According to the logical inference of the evolution of human civilization, traditional nationalist political struggles can also be gradually pushed to the stage of civilization evolution of "world integrated administrative thought" and "global democratic constitutional republic cosmopolitanism", allowing an innovative world of global republic, co-governance, co-existence and co-prosperity. The era of political institutions has come. 
  Otherwise, in the global anarchy of the global political jungle phenomenon, any theory of national inherent territoriality and the theory of traditional nationalist territory grabbing will become barbaric and outdated political arguments. In the civilizational evolution of the human race, the political behavior of current politicians, as long as it violates the rational autonomy of human beings in life, especially aggressive military actions, is no longer a great glory of the human race, but a A major political crime. 
  In the era of human civilization and evolution, my country is your country, and your country is my country. We are one big family of the alliance group of all political entities on Earth. 
  From ancient times to the present, which country or political entity has occupied the current land of the earth, and who has notarized and recognized it? Is there any legal institution that is conducting legal procedures to identify such a ruling territory that is recognized and notarized? Are the human groups in this territory willing to do the same? 
  In fact, the earth is still in a state of global anarchy so far, but the pace of human civilization evolution has been gradually advancing. 
  In every dynasty in the history of human races around the world, at all times and in all countries, the so-called inherent boundaries have been formed by a form of power or aggression to form self-defined ruling territories. This kind of territorial theory has no sense of world justice or legal territorial definition. 
  The contemporary political jungle is a global anarchy. The original political entity has been divided and combined due to various forms of internal and external wars, resulting in the current territorial phenomenon of the political system. Because, in the current territorial struggles of all political systems in the world, where is the legal sovereignty of territorial struggles inherent in nationalist struggle politics? And what is the price of territorial struggles from any angle? 
  What is the inherent administrative territory of a political system? 
  Under the struggle of traditional nationalism, with the changes of time and the division and reorganization of territories, how to determine the inherent territorial boundaries of a country? 
  Which dynasty defines the current territorial boundaries of any contemporary country? 
  Where do the territorial boundaries of any nationalist political system start and end? From when and to what period does it count? 
  This is really unfounded and cannot be legislated. 
  Therefore, the contemporary era is still in a state of global anarchy, and human beings who are gradually moving towards civilization and evolution can only lock in the status quo, respect each other's status quo, and respect reality. As long as everyone can have reasonable autonomy in life and live a good life without infringement on each other. The current territory of life is called the real territory of contemporary civilization and evolution of mankind. 
  Human beings on the earth must also form a world government system and carry out global governance policies, so that all humans on the earth can maintain the status quo and live happily in the real realm of life. 
  This is the correct concept of the territorial theory of civilization and evolution of human generations.  
  In the future, the territory of every human being is that the entire earth is your territory. That is to say, human beings must liberate nationalist struggles, enter the cosmopolitan realm of world integration of administrative thought, global democracy, constitutional republic, and integrate global humanity to form a global alliance of political entities. Form a unified center for the collective political leadership of mankind on earth, and form one earth and one family. The entire earth is my home, and mankind around the world coexist and prosper together. 
  The territorial argument of such a political entity is completely feasible and can be established. 
 盤古至今,哪個國家或哪個政治實體,佔領了地球的當下土地,是由誰公證公認過的?有哪一個法定機構在進行法定程序的認定這樣的統治疆域是被公認公證的呢? 這疆域的人類族群也都心甘情願的也如此的認定呢? 
 古今中外,在全球人類族群歷史的每一個朝代,所謂的固有的疆界 ,都是用一種強權或侵略統治形態,形成自我界定統治疆域。這樣的疆域論,沒有什麼世界正義、法定的疆域界定意義存在。 
 當代的政治叢林全球無政府狀態,原本的政治實體,由於各種形式的內外戰爭,形成內外戰爭分分合合,產出當下的政體疆域現象。因為,當下全球所有政體的疆域,在國家主義鬥爭政治上個別固有疆域鬥爭,它的法定主權在哪裡呢? 而疆域鬥爭的任何角度的代價又在哪裡呢 ? 
 什麼叫做一個政體的固有的行政疆域呢 ? 
 傳統國家主義鬥爭之下,時間的變遷,疆域分分合合,如何認定一個國家固有的疆域界線 ? 
 The Territorial Theory of the Rationalized Life Autonomy of Human Ethnic Groups 
  According to the logical inference of the evolution of human civilization, traditional nationalist political struggles can also be gradually pushed to the stage of civilization evolution of "world integrated administrative thought" and "global democratic constitutional republic cosmopolitanism", allowing an innovative world of global republic, co-governance, co-existence and co-prosperity. The era of political institutions has come. 
  Otherwise, in the global anarchy of the global political jungle phenomenon, any theory of national inherent territoriality and the theory of traditional nationalist territory grabbing will become barbaric and outdated political arguments. In the civilizational evolution of the human race, the political behavior of current politicians, as long as it violates the rational autonomy of human beings in life, especially aggressive military actions, is no longer a great glory of the human race, but a A major political crime. 
  In the era of human civilization and evolution, my country is your country, and your country is my country. We are one big family of the alliance group of all political entities on Earth. 
  From ancient times to the present, which country or political entity has occupied the current land of the earth, and who has notarized and recognized it? Is there any legal institution that is conducting legal procedures to identify such a ruling territory that is recognized and notarized? Are the human groups in this territory willing to do the same? 
  In fact, the earth is still in a state of global anarchy so far, but the pace of human civilization evolution has been gradually advancing. 
  In every dynasty in the history of human races around the world, at all times and in all countries, the so-called inherent boundaries have been formed by a form of power or aggression to form self-defined ruling territories. This kind of territorial theory has no sense of world justice or legal territorial definition. 
  The contemporary political jungle is a global anarchy. The original political entity has been divided and combined due to various forms of internal and external wars, resulting in the current territorial phenomenon of the political system. Because, in the current territorial struggles of all political systems in the world, where is the legal sovereignty of territorial struggles inherent in nationalist struggle politics? And what is the price of territorial struggles from any angle? 
  What is the inherent administrative territory of a political system? 
  Under the struggle of traditional nationalism, with the changes of time and the division and reorganization of territories, how to determine the inherent territorial boundaries of a country? 
  Which dynasty defines the current territorial boundaries of any contemporary country? 
  Where do the territorial boundaries of any nationalist political system start and end? From when and to what period does it count? 
  This is really unfounded and cannot be legislated. 
  Therefore, the contemporary era is still in a state of global anarchy, and human beings who are gradually moving towards civilization and evolution can only lock in the status quo, respect each other's status quo, and respect reality. As long as everyone can have reasonable autonomy in life and live a good life without infringement on each other. The current territory of life is called the real territory of contemporary civilization and evolution of mankind. 
  Human beings on the earth must also form a world government system and carry out global governance policies, so that all humans on the earth can maintain the status quo and live happily in the real realm of life. 
  This is the correct concept of the territorial theory of civilization and evolution of human generations.  
  In the future, the territory of every human being is that the entire earth is your territory. That is to say, human beings must liberate nationalist struggles, enter the cosmopolitan realm of world integration of administrative thought, global democracy, constitutional republic, and integrate global humanity to form a global alliance of political entities. Form a unified center for the collective political leadership of mankind on earth, and form one earth and one family. The entire earth is my home, and mankind around the world coexist and prosper together. 
  The territorial argument of such a political entity is completely feasible and can be established. 
 盤古至今,哪個國家或哪個政治實體,佔領了地球的當下土地,是由誰公證公認過的?有哪一個法定機構在進行法定程序的認定這樣的統治疆域是被公認公證的呢? 這疆域的人類族群也都心甘情願的也如此的認定呢? 
 古今中外,在全球人類族群歷史的每一個朝代,所謂的固有的疆界 ,都是用一種強權或侵略統治形態,形成自我界定統治疆域。這樣的疆域論,沒有什麼世界正義、法定的疆域界定意義存在。 
 當代的政治叢林全球無政府狀態,原本的政治實體,由於各種形式的內外戰爭,形成內外戰爭分分合合,產出當下的政體疆域現象。因為,當下全球所有政體的疆域,在國家主義鬥爭政治上個別固有疆域鬥爭,它的法定主權在哪裡呢? 而疆域鬥爭的任何角度的代價又在哪裡呢 ? 
 什麼叫做一個政體的固有的行政疆域呢 ? 
 傳統國家主義鬥爭之下,時間的變遷,疆域分分合合,如何認定一個國家固有的疆域界線 ? 




















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