People always have to cultivate a style that can be respected

People always have to cultivate a style that can be respected by others and be proud of the world.

Detonate the critical point, SOS! A message to the leaders of 244 global political entities

Huang Yingjieh Huang,Ying-chieh 05 /28, 2010
in Taiwan

The current situation of human living environment on earth

 The earth’s climate and environmental disaster will reach the critical point of detonation at 2 degrees Celsius.

 Lynas, Mark Lynas Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet: "There should be panic in the streets right now, with people shouting from the rooftops, Congress issuing emergency declarations, and television stations providing round-the-clock coverage. .

 The "positive feedbacks" effect will turn the currently understood global warming process into useless paper. This process will not be a gradual, linear increase in temperature, nor will nature gradually succumb to the torture imposed on it by humans. Instead, nature will fight back.

 In September 2008, the British newspaper "The Independent" reported that scientists discovered that millions of tons of methane, a gas 20 times more powerful than carbon dioxide, was being released into the atmosphere from the bottom of the Arctic ice sheet.

 Figures show that the atmosphere will no longer absorb and contain greenhouse gases, but will suddenly spit out these toxic gases - the accumulated carbon and methane will be dumped out uncontrollably in a major explosion, and Flood or burn entire cities. Icebergs will melt massively, and the Amazon rainforest, Earth's most important lung, may cease to function entirely. A vicious cycle will begin that threatens not only our current way of life, but the very existence of ourselves and other species.

Greenland Ice Mass Loss from GRACE
Sea-level rise

 The ice will reflect sunlight into the air, but because the ice is melting so quickly now, there is not enough ice to reflect the sunlight, and because sea temperatures have warmed, it will melt the ice. And because the ice is melting, the ocean temperature is higher, creating a vicious cycle.

 An analysis report jointly led by the British-Finnish team shows that sea levels have been stable in the past 2000 years. Measurements show that in the 18th and 19th centuries, sea level rose by only 2 centimeters and 6 centimeters. However, in the past century, it suddenly rose to a staggering 19 centimeters, or even more than half a foot. The most likely cause is melting ice sheets. It is predicted that by the end of this century, the global average sea level will rise by 0.8 to 1.5 meters.

 If the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic melted completely and the seawater subsequently warmed, then extremely large amounts of toxic gases could be released from the ocean. Dr. Ron G Prinn of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology pointed out that if the permafrost of the northern ice sheet dissolves, it will release 80 times more methane into the atmosphere every year than currently, and every 4 degrees Celsius increase in global temperature will This means sea levels will rise by 5 meters.

 According to the current rate of warming, if the government does not try to solve the problem, everything will be over in four to five years. There will be no time to recover. It is really urgent. "

Six degrees of change: The future of a hotter planet
Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet

Author: Mark Lynas

Discuss numerous scientific studies and outline the changes that will occur for every 1°C increase in temperature:

 1°C increase: global food shortage

The melting of Arctic ice is accelerating, causing dramatic climate changes; atoll islands are about to sink, coral reefs continue to be severely bleached, wider and more severe droughts are becoming more frequent, African mountains are devoid of ice and snow, and one-third of the world's surface will lack fresh water. More suitable for human habitation.

 2℃ rise: more than one million species of organisms will decline

The oceans continue to warm and acidify, destroying the food chain and destroying all remaining coral reefs. The Greenland ice sheet continues to melt. The disappearance of Arctic sea ice has caused the extinction of polar bears. The water crisis has become more serious. How to distribute global food has become more difficult.

 3℃ rise: A large number of climate refugees will emerge

The entire carbon cycle process will be reversed. Soil and plants will no longer absorb carbon, but will begin to spit out large amounts of carbon. Most of the Amazon rainforest will be burned into a desert, and a mass extinction of organisms will begin.

 4°C increase: scorching high temperatures will dominate everything

Sea levels continue to rise, submerging coastal cities, the Antarctic ice sheet begins to collapse, and the two poles will become ice-free. The permafrost begins to melt and release large amounts of carbon dioxide, causing an imbalance in food supply and demand.

 5°C increase: the world is completely out of shape

The remaining ice sheets in the South and North Pole will no longer exist. Rising sea levels have swallowed up coastal cities and are preparing to attack the interior. Under the double attack of droughts and floods, humans have poured into the gradually shrinking habitable areas, and the population has declined significantly. .

 6°C rise: mass extinction

Humanity will collectively perish!

Carbon dioxide emissions and temperature rise comparison table

Excerpted from page 279 of Six Degrees of Change: The Future of an Increasingly Hot Planet

 Degree change, Celsius temperature change, carbon dioxide concentration indicator

 One degree 0.1-1.0oC 350ppm (currently reached 380ppm)

 Second degree 1.1-2.0 oC 400ppm

 Third degree 2.1-3.0 oC 450ppm

 Fourth degree 3.1-4.0 oC 550ppm

 Fifth degree 4.1-5.0 oC 650ppm

 Six degrees 5.1-5.8 oC 800ppm

The global climate and environmental disaster will reach the critical point of detonating at 2 degrees Celsius. This is a global human emergency. This is a morality and responsibility that the leaders of the 244 political entities around the world must deal with urgently today.

Human beings on Earth will eventually establish a worldwide Earth Central Parliament and a worldwide Earth Central Government to coordinate global issues that cannot be dealt with by individual countries.

Leaders of countries or political entities must realize that today's world has reached an era where global mankind must be the people of the world. It is inevitable to establish a world-wide Earth Central Parliament and a world-wide Earth Central Government to jointly safeguard the world. a common environment, jointly implement international government affairs, coordinate global issues and government affairs that cannot be handled by individual countries, formulate and implement common laws for human development in the world, and jointly safeguard the republican development of global mankind on the entire planet.

引爆临界点, SOS! 敬告244个全球政治实体领袖

黄颖捷 Huang,Ying-chieh 05 /28 , 2010
in Taiwan


 地球气候环境灾难将达摄氏二度c引爆的临界点。

 Lynas, Mark林纳斯Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet : 「现在的街头上应该是一片恐慌才对,人们在屋顶上大叫,国会发表紧急声明,电视台做二十四小时的全程报导 。」

 「正向回馈」(“positive feedbacks”)效应将会让目前认知的全球暖化过程变成废纸。 这个过程将不会是渐进、直线式的温度增加,大自然也不会渐渐臣服于人类加诸其上的折磨。 相反的,大自然将会反扑。

 2008年9月英国《独立报(The Independent》报导,科学家们发现,有数以百万吨计的甲烷--威力强过二氧化碳20倍的气体,正从北极冰床底部被释放到大气中。

 数字显示,大气层将会不会再吸收并且容纳温室效应的气体,反而会将这些有毒气体突然吐出来--累积的碳与甲烷,将会在一次大爆发中无法自制地倾泄出来,并且 淹没或者焚毁整个城市。 冰山将会大量融化,而地球最重要的肺脏亚马逊雨林可能会完全停止运作。 一个邪恶的循环过程将会开始,不只是威胁我们目前的生活方式,更是我们人类与其他物种的生存。

Greenland Ice Mass Loss from GRACE

 冰层会反射阳光到空中,但因为冰层现在溶化的速度非常快,没有足够的冰层可以反射阳光,而且因为海水温度已经暖化,会使冰层溶化。 而因为冰层被溶化,导致海洋温度更高,恶性循环。

 英国-芬兰团队联合主导的一份分析报告,过去2000年海平面呈稳定状态。 测量显示在18和19世纪,海平面只上升2公分和6公分,然而在过去的一个世纪内,突然上升到惊人的19公分,甚至超过半英尺。 其最大的可能是因为冰原溶化。 预测在本世纪末,全球的海平面平均高度,将上升0.8到1.5公尺。

 如果南北极的冰层完全溶化,海水接着暖化,然后极大量的有毒气体可能会从海洋中释放出来。 麻省理工学院容普润(Ron G Prinn)博士指出,如果北方冰原的永冻土层溶解,将释放出比目前每年多出80倍的甲烷到大气中,而且全球温度每上升摄氏4度,代表 海平面将上升5公尺。

 依照现在暖化的速度,如果政府不设法解决,再过四到五年的时间,一切就结束了,没有时间可以挽回,真的非常紧急。 」

Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet

作者:林纳斯(Mark Lynas)


   升高1℃:全球粮食短缺

北极冰层加快融化,造成气候巨变;环礁岛即将沉没、珊瑚礁持续严重白化、范围更广更严重的干旱愈加频繁发生、非洲高山冰雪绝迹、全球会有三分之一的地表缺乏淡水,不再 适合人居。

   升高2℃:超过一百万种生物步向衰亡


   升高3℃:大量气候难民涌现


   升高4℃:灼热的高温将主宰万事万物


   升高5℃:世界完全走样

南、北极残留的冰原将不复存在,不断上升的海平面吞没了沿海城市,准备进攻内陆,人类在旱灾与水灾双面夹击之下,大批涌入逐渐缩小的可居地,人口大幅衰减 。

   升高6℃:生物大灭绝




 度数变化 摄氏温度变化 二氧化碳浓度指标

 一度 0.1-1.0oC 350ppm (目前已达到 380ppm)

 二度 1.1-2.0 oC 400ppm

 三度 2.1-3.0 oC 450ppm

 四度 3.1-4.0 oC 550ppm

 五度 4.1-5.0 oC 650ppm

 六度 5.1-5.8 oC 800ppm

全球气候环境灾难,将达二度C引爆的临界点。 这是全球人类的紧急事件,这是全球244政治实体领袖,于今日必须紧急处理的道德与责任。


国家或政治实体领袖们必须体认,当今世界,已达到必须以全球人类为子民的全球共同统治的时代,势必成立世界性的地球中央议会,与成立世界性的地球中央政府,联合维护全球 的共同环境,联合执行国际政务,统筹各别国家所无法处理的世界性议题与政务,制定与执行人类在世界发展的共同规律,共同维护全球人类在整个地球的共和发展。

引爆臨界點, SOS!敬告244個全球政治實體領袖

黃穎捷 Huang,Ying-chieh 05 /28 , 2010
in Taiwan


 地球氣候環境災難將達攝氏二度c引爆的臨界點。

 Lynas, Mark林納斯Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet : 「現在的街頭上應該是一片恐慌才對,人們在屋頂上大叫,國會發表緊急聲明,電視台做二十四小時的全程報導。」

 「正向回饋」(“positive feedbacks”)效應將會讓目前認知的全球暖化過程變成廢紙。這個過程將不會是漸進、直線式的溫度增加,大自然也不會漸漸臣服於人類加諸其上的折磨。相反的,大自然將會反撲。

 2008年9月英國《獨立報(The Independent》報導,科學家們發現,有數以百萬噸計的甲烷--威力強過二氧化碳20倍的氣體,正從北極冰床底部被釋放到大氣中。

 數字顯示,大氣層將會不會再吸收並且容納溫室效應的氣體,反而會將這些有毒氣體突然吐出來--累積的碳與甲烷,將會在一次大爆發中無法自制地傾洩出來,並且淹沒或者焚毀整個城市。冰山將會大量融化,而地球最重要的肺臟亞馬遜雨林可能會完全停止運作。一個邪惡的循環過程將會開始,不只是威脅我們目前的生活方式,更是我們人類與其他物種的生存。

Greenland Ice Mass Loss from GRACE

 冰層會反射陽光到空中,但因為冰層現在溶化的速度非常快,沒有足夠的冰層可以反射陽光,而且因為海水溫度已經暖化,會使冰層溶化。而因為冰層被溶化,導致海洋溫度更高,惡性循環。

 英國-芬蘭團隊聯合主導的一份分析報告,過去2000年海平面呈穩定狀態。測量顯示在18和19世紀,海平面只上升2公分和6公分,然而在過去的一個世紀內,突然上升到驚人的19公分,甚至超過半英尺。其最大的可能是因為冰原溶化。 預測在本世紀末,全球的海平面平均高度,將上升0.8到1.5公尺。

 如果南北極的冰層完全溶化,海水接著暖化,然後極大量的有毒氣體可能會從海洋中釋放出來。麻省理工學院容 普潤(Ron G Prinn)博士指出,如果北方冰原的永凍土層溶解,將釋放出比目前每年多出80倍的甲烷到大氣中,而且全球溫度每上升攝氏4度,代表海平面將上升5公尺。

 依照現在暖化的速度,如果政府不設法解決,再過四到五年的時間,一切就結束了,沒有時間可以挽回,真的非常緊急。」

Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet

作者:林納斯(Mark Lynas)


   升高1℃:全球糧食短缺


   升高2℃:超過一百萬種生物步向衰亡


   升高3℃:大量氣候難民湧現


   升高4℃:灼熱的高溫將主宰萬事萬物


   升高5℃:世界完全走樣


   升高6℃:生物大滅絕




 度數變化 攝氏溫度變化 二氧化碳濃度指標

 一度 0.1-1.0oC 350ppm (目前已達到 380ppm)

 二度 1.1-2.0 oC 400ppm

 三度 2.1-3.0 oC 450ppm

 四度 3.1-4.0 oC 550ppm

 五度 4.1-5.0 oC 650ppm

 六度 5.1-5.8 oC 800ppm






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