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攝護腺肥大夜尿次數增多的治療方式 |
攝護腺肥大症從小便注意 |
壯陽藥也能保養攝護腺肥大-犀利士5mg效果 |
攝護腺肥大常造成中年男性下泌尿道症狀 |
攝護腺肥大與陽痿怎麼治療 |
男性夜尿、頻尿小心攝護腺肥大,放任不管小心洗腎 |
攝護腺肥大新藥 |
Enlarged Prostate Symptoms
Prostatic hypertrophy (also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia) is a common male condition in which the prostate enlarges with age, compressing the urethra, causing a range of symptoms. The following are possible symptoms of an enlarged prostate:
Frequent urination: Feeling the need to urinate more often, especially at night.
Difficulty urinating and decreased urine stream: The urine stream becomes weak or intermittent, and straining may be required to initiate urination.
Urinary urgency and inaccuracy: Feeling an urgency to pass urine, but may not be able to control it, or urine isn't flowing in the right direction.
Difficulty urinating and urinary retention: Difficulty urinating with a feeling of incomplete urination and it may take more time to completely empty the bladder.
Drizzling and dripping: dripping urine after urination ends, or continuous
Urethritis and urinary tract infections: Retention of urine may lead to an increased risk of urethritis and urinary tract infections.
A condition in which blood in the urine may occur during urination.
These symptoms can vary from person to person and can also be affected by the severity of the enlarged prostate. If you have the above symptoms, it is recommended to seek a doctor's diagnosis and treatment. Doctors can perform tests such as prostate exams and urine tests to confirm the diagnosis and suggest appropriate treatment.
What are the symptoms of prostatic hypertrophy, the scale of symptoms of prostatic hypertrophy, treatment of symptoms of prostatic hypertrophy, symptoms and causes of prostatic hypertrophy, whether long-term medication is required for symptoms of prostatic hypertrophy, prostate cancer, prostate Hypertrophy, Inflammation of the Prostate, Symptoms of Prostate Hypertrophy Hematuria, Symptoms of Prostate Hypertrophy Evaluation Form